Painted Walls.

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Since I had invited Trevor over yesterday to help me, he had invited me over today. I wasn't really sure if it would be awkward between us or not because of the kiss, so even though it was nice of him, I told him I had plans with my grandma.

He seemed upset, but it wasn't entirely a lie. I did tell my mom I would go with them to find more stuff in my room. It seemed so empty, I went from my own small, not even close to enough space, room to basically a small apartment.

We were talking the whole time I was gone though. I kept asking him for input on what to get for my room, though I'm not exactly sure he'd ever actually see it in place.

While we talked we both seemed to ignore the fact that I kissed him out of the blue. I honestly think that was the best idea. I didn't even know where I had gotten the courage to kiss him before. I had always been too scared to do that before. Was this move changing who I was?

"Ma, which of these should I get?" I asked, holding up two different shades of blue. The white walls I currently had were not going to do it.

"Personally, I like the light blue. Plus it goes with what you've already got going on in your room."

I rolled my eyes, "The dark blue goes with what I have going."

"So why the hell did you ask my opinion, Tee?" she said jokingly.

"What other stuff do you have so far?" my grandma asked. I scrolled through the pictures in my phone until I found a bunch of the ones I took of my stuff piled in my room.

"Here, just scroll left and you'll see more." I let my grandma help me pick most everything for my room. Most people wouldn't be willing to do that, but my grandma had went to school for interior design and we had similar tastes.

When Trevor found out I was finally back home, he called. "Hey, what you up to later?" he asked.

"Nothing really. Getting ready to paint my room, why?"

"You gonna let me help orrr?" he asked, laughing.

Maybe he didn't feel awkward about the kiss like I thought he did. He still wanted to come hang out, that had to mean something...right? "If you want to, you can," I finally said.

He told me he meant it and we arranged for it to happen. My mom was already starting to be a little suspicious about what was going on between he and I, but I assured her it was nothing.. At least not yet. I smirked at the idea and began blushing.

"You sure it's nothing honey?" she asked.

I sighed, "He's cute, yeah.. But that's Autumn's cousin, I couldn't do that to her. Plus I'm not actually attracted to him like that."

When Trevor finally got there, it was immediately kind of awkward, but that was entirely my fault. I kept shying away from him and he didn't seem to want that.

"Why do you keep moving away? You're distancing yourself. Do you realize you're doing that? Like is it unintentional or something? Do I smell bad?..." he said, trailing off before picking back up, "Wait, if it's what I think it is then I just want to let you know straight up that I don't feel weird that what happened, happened... It was unexpected, sure. But don't let it get to you. I didn't mind."

I sighed, "I just feel like I did it without thinking and you didn't want it."

"Well yeah, you definitely did it without thinking," he said laughing a little, "but if I didn't want it I wouldn't have kissed you back, would I?"

I blushed a little. He was right, I didn't need to let it keep getting in the way. Regardless of how things ended up with him, I had a new chance here. I was going to try avoiding putting us in anymore potentially awkward situations again. This time I slid by ruining a new friendship by the grace of God, who knows what would happen if this was repetitive.

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