Hunger Pains

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Grahm stared at the bowl near his feet. Two more days, and still no food. His hunger was eating away at his muscle. He was no longer tied up by his wrist and ankles. No, they had put him in a cage. Infront of him was a wooden bowl, raw flesh sat there, the only thing he could eat. Across from the woodlen floor was Ammon, two arms missing, with an eye, and leg completely gone. Grahm looked down at the flesh, knowing exactly where it came from.

He was so hungry he was just about ready to eat his own flesh. He couldn't help but lean closer towards the raw meat. He had been staring at it all day. He slowly reached into the bowl. He couldn't help himself. He was just too hungry to say no. He hesitated as he placed the flesh next to his mouth. He grimested before opening his mouth and taking a bite. He closed his eyes as hard as he could. Sir Grahm didn't want to know what he was eating. The once wet meat, was now somewhat dry from sitting in the sun. It was still moist, like a proper baked meat, but it tasted nothing like the sort. He started slow but gradually grew in pace. Before long he was eating it like a savage animal.

Grahm turned his head up and saw Ammon watching him eat the knight's flesh. Grahm could see the amount of disgruntle in the man's one eyed face, yet he couldn't stop eating.

"I hope I taste good." Ammon said with disgust, then his voice softened, "After all, there's no need for both of us to die."

Grahm didn't know what to say, he finished eating his portion before wiping his mouth, "I was about ready to eat myself. I don't envy you Ammon. I wish fate had brought us some place else."

"Ha! Fate, gods, there no such things. And when we die, that's it. No afterlife. You know they tried to feed me that first. After three days of refusing, they said they were going to eat me. So, some skinny lady pulled out my eye with her fingers. No knife, nothing!" Ammon began crying, as his chin wobbled, "I wish I was dead. I don't want to live anymore."

"Don't say such things!" Grahm whispered back."I'm going to get us out of here!"

"No Grahm, we're both going to die in these woods, even if we get out of these cages, how far could you carry me, look at yourself, you've lost a good bit of mass."

"Think of your boy, Halbrook, he still needs a father." Grahm stated.

"What good would I do for him now? I would only burden my family at this point. I have no arms, and only one leg. I'm meat on bones. Nothing more then flesh to be eaten by these savages!"

"Don't say that." Grahm stopped. Remember his fellow knight's flesh still rested in his body. He gripped his stomach.

"I hope you've made your peace Grahm." Ammon replied, "For I have not made mine."

Tears could be seen streaming down Ammon's eye. Rhaheha began walking over, nothing but a pelt overed her torso, the paws of a bear covering her mighty breast. A boars head sat as a headdress, and dear hide was tide about her wast, covering a portion of her right thigh, and her right knee. She grinned, her mouth covered with a red war paint, stretching down to her chin. She looked over towards Sir Ammon, looking back at Grahm before opening the maimed man's cage. Grahm lept to the wooden bars. He punched and slammed his weak frame against the hardened oak, but he couldn't break it. He watched in horror as Rhaheha laughed at his efforts.

The woman kneeled next to Ammon, as he screamed no. Her hand reached out as she pulled out his last eye, she smiled as she placed the appendage in her mouth. A small pop was heard as she chewed.

"You taste, fine." Rhaheha stated. She grabbed the knight by the hair as she dragged his body towards the  center of their camp.

Grahm looked on in horror, tears streaming down his own eyes. He was going to die here. Horror had struck his heart, along with sorrow. He had never felt so alone or scared.

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