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[3042 words.]

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Kuro, and I belong to you."

It had been a few minutes since they had started their conversation and Izuku already had questions. "So basically, you're my quirk?" Izuku couldn't keep up with everything Kuro had said. Too much information in too little a time frame. But Kuro was patient, and only smiled at Izuku's confusion. "Yes, but better. I mean, near to no other quirk can do what w- I can do for you." Kuro's slip-up didn't go unnoticed by Izuku, but the (not quite) quirkless teen was too confused and excited to care. "If you've looked around, you would have seen that this place is empty. Aside from us, our seats and tea, we are completely alone." Izuku looked away from Kuro towards his surroundings, to see that Kuro was right. They were alone. Completely alone. "W-wha..? Where are we?" Izuku asked. Kuro didn't say anything, he only leaned over to Izuku and tapped his forehead with his finger. "My mind? B-but, how?" Kuro's smile didn't falter. "As I said, I can give you things that no other quirk can. But anyway, it's time for you to wake up now." The formerly quirkless boy barely had time to react before he slumped into his chair, leaving Kuro alone. "I'll reach out when you need me."

~~(Real world)~~

Izuku shot upwards, breathing heavily. He quickly took in his surroundings. He was wearing a slightly damp yet charred school uniform, two plastic bottles with weird sludge in them in All Might's hands an- wait All Might!? "Woah!" Izuku jumped to his feet. "Hello there, Shounen! Thought we lost you there! Well, it seems you're fine, so I must be off." "W-wai-" "Apologies Shounen, but I need to go." Because Izuku knew he wasn't going to be heard, so he made a split second decision. And latched onto All Might's leg as the hero took off. 

[Rooftop scene goes like in the anime.]

Izuku was walking down some street. He hadn't bothered to remember which he was on, he just stuck to his thoughts and memories of what All Might said. What his idol said. '"You can't be a hero." Come on Izuku, you saw this coming. Kuro isn't real, only a figment of my stupid deku imagination. They're right, all of them. I can't be a hero.' While too busy in his own head, Izuku didn't see the massive crowd in front of him. When he bumped into someone, he looked up to see them looking towards an alley. He heard the crackling of explosions and choked shouting. Izuku pushed his way to the front of the crowd, to see a barricade and a very familiar bully being the victim of a villain that was also very familiar. 'The sludge villain! I thought All Might had him. He must've dropped it when- oh god. I did this, this is my fault. Now Katsuki's paying for it.' Before Izuku had the time to think about it, his body took over and he vaulted the barricade, rushing towards the villain. Unfortunately, the villain had seen him and went for a quick swipe at Izuku. 

"A low leg sweep, jump above then dodge right." A voice in Izuku's head told him, and his body complied without hesitation. He practically flew over the leg sweep and moved out of the way of a heavy slam near effortlessly, just missing the slam that cracked the concrete where he once was. Continuing with his approach, Izuku flung his backpack into the villains line of sight. The sludge took another swipe at Izuku. "Feral swing, duck under then pick up burning debris. Target eyes and throw." Izuku, now consciously following the voices directions, slid under the hammer like attack, grabbed a small burning plank and javelin-threw it into the villains eye. Ash sprinkled off into both eyes, blinding the villain and letting Izuku make a final dash for Katsuki. "Grab his wrist and think of his quirk activating." Now fully trusting the voice, Izuku gripped Katsuki's hand and faced it towards the villian's eyes. Izuku immediately thought of Katsuki's explosion, and a rushing wave of energy zapped through his veins, into his hands and then into Katsuki. The blond felt a surge of power as Izuku held his hand and explosion burst from his palm. "Pull Katsuki, push him away then jump away from the villain." Izuku gave a quick tug on the blond's arm, near effortlessly pulling Katsuki out of the sludge. Without wasting a breath, Izuku used Katsuki's momentum to fling him towards a wall then dashed towards the onlooking crowd. "Do something cool, and do it quickly." Izuku inwardly quirked an eyebrow but complied. Izuku gave a devious smirk, swept his hair back and brushed any ash off his clothing. He turned his head towards the villain slightly to see it going for a wide attack on him, it was almost about to hit him but Izuku's smirk didn't leave his face. Right as the villain's attack was going to hit him, it was blocked by hulking, blond figure. "Took you long enough, All Might." Izuku rested his hands in his pockets and walked out of the alleyway towards his mother's apartment. "See ya later." He called as walked past the stunned heroes and his childhood bully. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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