Chapter sixteen

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Travis POV

I fucked up, bad.

I don't know why so much anger took ahold of me last night, but it did and I just know I screwed any chances with Lynn. What was I thinking? I practically called her a gold digging slut. It was like looking at Desiree all over again. Except I know Lynn was not like that, yet I pulled the stunt anyways. It did confirm my suspicions about the two though, just by the looks they gave they had been screwing the shit out of each other.

I knew she was coming back today, but I didn't know if we could move forward. I still cared about her, I just screwed up. I go to try and call her number and of course I'm blocked. Blocked on social sites as well. I knew my only chance of getting her to talk to me and it was a chance I was going to take.


Lynn POV

After I got back I was slammed with appointments. It's a good thing I took one day off next week to stop by a dealership and see if I can get myself into a car now that I have a decent income. I wasn't expecting to hear anything from Travis seeing as though I had blocked him before he could even say something to me. Surprisingly, me and Joe haven't been talking much, partially to us both being busy and finding it difficult to do the whole phone thing every day. We'd text and check in on each other but that was pretty much it. It didn't really bother me too much, I was a touch person so the only thing that annoyed me was not being able to touch when I wanted to.

"It's 60." I say after a client asks how much for their nails. She sends it to me through cashapp before leaving. I sigh. "Last one for today." As I'm sitting there, watching tv and typing away at my phone, a knock from my last client comes from the door and I announce for them to come in still looking at my phone.

"Lynn..." at the sound of Travis's voice, my head immediately shoots up and my phone goes to the dial pad ready to type those three numbers.

"Travis what the hell are you doing here?!"

"Wait! Lynn please let me explain myself and then I'll go." I grab my bat. "Lynn please! I'm sorry!"

"Make it quick or I swear to God I'll shove this hat where the sun don't shine."

"Lynn I came to apologize about the ball, I let people get into my head, I felt betrayed and I put my anger out on you and I wish I could take back everything I said-"

"But you meant everything you said." I say, voice slightly breaking at the end. Fucking hormones, I hate my period.

"Lynn, it was never my intention to treat you like that seriously."

"If I say I forgive you will you please leave me alone forever?" I ask just to get him to leave. I would never forgive him for disrespecting me.

"Yes, I mean no...Lynn you made me feel things for you I had no business feeling in such a short time and-"

"And that's supposed to make me change how I feel about the situation Travis? Look, I get it. You were mad about the things I did, so you voiced how you really felt in that moment. It's okay though, because so did Joe. Now if you would please leave, I have to close up shop." I state as calmly as possible and his eyes fade of hope, shoulders slouching.

"I hope he gives you the world Lynn. You deserve it." He states before leaving out the door, closing it behind him. I and lock the door behind him finally allowing myself to take a deep breath and relax before breaking down into tears. I don't know why it made me so emotional, watching him leave was like a weight lifting off my chest. I guess it was safe to say that I didn't feel comfortable in his presence anymore, he wasn't the Travis I first met.

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