Chapter twenty three

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*knock knock knock*

"Desiree open up the fucking door!" I growl out as I bang on the door, still not receiving a answer. "I don't have time for this shit." I mumble before kicking off the knob, flinging the door open. My family members make their way through the house, searching for someone.

"I got nothing Use."

"Yeah it's clear back here too!"

"Fuck. Okay look around and see what you can find because she definitely lives here." I say as I head back to the door. As I look around the neighborhood, I spot a silver suv off in the corner still running. As if they could tell I had spotted them, they pull off and head down the street. "Yo! Follow that truck, NOW!" I yell as I run and hop in my truck to go and try and tail them.

As I'm trailing, they're speeding, trying their hardest to leave me and the others in the wind but I wasn't having it. I get up on their tail and Ram the back of them causing them to swerve a bit. They hit a hard curve and takes off sliding in between cars. I get a little behind but I keep an eye on them the whole time.

"Can't lose me bitch." I growl out and just as I'm about to pull behind her a truck gets in my way and groan. "Get out the fucking way!" I yell as I manage to get past him only to see her getting further away. She turns off the interstate onto an exit and the moment I get up there I follow. She looks to be heading towards a bunch of abandoned warehouses. "What the fuck..." she parks the truck and hurries out and into one of them. I don't wait for the rest as I grab my gun and holster it before running in behind her.

"Come on out Desiree, I know you Travis has you doing his dirty work. Where is Lynn!?" I ask as soon as I enter the warehouse. As I look around I see she's nowhere to be found so I go around listening, trying to cover as much ground as I possibly can. I hear the other enter and I signal for them to go around, keeping their guard up because she could be absolutely anywhere.

"You know, I just don't know what it is that you and Travis see in this girl. She's not special! Ole country bumpkin ass!" I hear her shout and I try to find which direction I heard her coming from.

"You obviously don't know Lynn like we do. She's an amazing, selfless and passionate woman. That must not help your insecurities huh Desiree huh?" I ask as I try to reel her out of wherever she was hiding.

"Shut up! You're just as dumb as Travis. She cannot amount to me." She says and I can hear her voice getting closer.

"I don't think you're woman enough Desiree." I say as I round the corner of the wooden box with my gun drawn only to see her not there and I let out a heavy sigh. "Come on man." I mumble to myself.

"I don't think you'll find your girlfriend Joe." She says, letting out a confident laugh. "At least, not in the condition you left her in." I have to reign in what I really wanted to say to control the situation.

"What do you mean by that Desiree?"

"Put the gun away and come around the corner. DONT try and play with me because your girl is right here with a 9 to her head that has no safety!" She shouts and I panic.

"How do I know you're not lying?" I heard a hushed voice.

"Joe? Joe baby it's me." I hear Lynn speak and my heart breaks. She doesn't even sound like herself. I round the corner with my hands up, gun in one.

"I'm going to put down the gun and kick it over, okay?" I say as I slowly put the gun down. Once I kick it over, she kicks it further away, her gun still to Lynn's head. It infuriated me how defenseless I was and how I couldn't help her after all she had been through. She was bruised up, scratches on her legs as if she been been locked in a box.

"Now, you're going to let us leave."

"What the hell? No!" I argue and she pulls Lynn's hair, pointing her gun at me.

"Don't you dare! I ain't done with her, okay? Now you're gonna get those goofy family members of yours and you're gonna get me some money and a way out. I'm gonna leave with her and I will let you know where you can meet me, got it?" She says and I bite my lip to contain my anger. This bitch. I look at Lynn who has a worried look on her face. "Got it?!"

"Okay! Okay." I say as I back away and she makes her move with Lynn still in hand. As she makes her way down the stairs, Lynn manages to kick her in the shin, causing her to fall and drop her gun. I run over to get mine, grabbing it to try and get Lynn behind me in order to protect her. "Lynn come on, I got you!" He shout not seeing Desiree going for her gun.

"You bitch!" She grunts out as she finally manages to grab ahold of her gun. I guess I don't see her in time as I hear a shot ring off, but I don't feel an impact to myself. One of my girl cousins manages to catch her off guard, knocking her out and ridding her of her gun. Feeling a moment of relief, I look over to Lynn to see her staring at the ground.

"Lynn?" She looks up at me just as blood starts to pour from her mouth. I rush over to her just as she starts to fall, panicking. "Lynn! No no no baby please!" I say as I try and hold pressure to her gun shot wound just above her hip. I can't help but feel useless as she looks up at me, trying to hold on to her dear life. Feeling tears pool my eyes I have to hold my lip to keep from overflowing. She places her hand on my cheek and musters a small smile.

" you." She whispers, "so much."

"I love you too, Lynn please..." I whimper out. I could finally hear sirens in the distance, hoping they were not too late for her. Her hand falls from my face and I could see her eyes flutter, heart rate slowing. "No no no Lynn don't you do this to me!" I say as I shake her head trying to get her to open her eyes and keep fighting. She was losing so much blood, I was covered in it. She wasn't opening her eyes, I was freaking out. "Hey! Hey! She's not breathing what the fuck is taking them so long to get in here!" I yell as I continue to hold her fading body in my hands.

"They're here! Come on she's not breathing you need to get in here now!" One of my cousins yell as I sit there looking at her. Still holding her. Heart breaking as I sit there looking and not doing anything.

"Come on Use they gotta get her on the stretcher and out of here if she has any chance!" Jay yells at me as he and Jimmy manage to get me off of the ground and hand her to the emts.

"I'm going with her!" I shout as I break free from them.

"Well one of us is going with you, you're not in the right headspace man!" Jimmy yells and I ignore him as I follow the into the ambulance as they continue to try and do cpr on her. Hooking her up with wires and tubes. I'm completely speechless. I don't say anything the whole ride as they sit and try to get her breathing again. "Use." I don't respond. I just stare at her. Still in disbelief. It's not long before we make it to the hospital and I try to follow them in only to have to fight with security to get in. Jimmy and Jay manage to pull me away and I plop down on the curb.

"Oh fuck, the police." Jay mumbles as they come by, trying to ask me questions. I don't respond. My cousins answer any questions they have as I couldn't find the will to speak not knowing what was happening to Lynn at the moment.

"Have faith, she can full through this you know she's a fighter." Silence.

"But can she fight with no heartbeat?" I ask and I'm met with silence. I place my head in my hands.

The worst day of my life I possibly lost the love of it...

Y'all...I teared up writing this...


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