ch. 4

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**Harry's POV**

I was staring at a picture of the two of us when we were dating, when we were still happy.  When I was still happy.  I sighed.  I never should have broken up with him.  It was the stupidest mistake I ever could have made, and I did it.  I can't believe how big an idiot I was.

I heard Liam come in and looked up to see him smiling widely at me.  We locked eyes and he squealed, running towards me.  I screamed and jumped over the back of the couch.  I ran as fast as I could to Zayn's room, but he was much faster than me.  I had barely gotten to Zayn's room when he tackled me, causing both of us to fall onto Zayn's floor.  I heard Zayn laugh at us and I glared up at him, lounging on his bed with a book in his hand.

I pushed Liam off of me and got up, only to have him grab me in a hug almost immediately.  Soon I felt another pair of arms as Zayn joined the huddle.  Liam squeezed and I gasped for breath.  "Can't...breathe!"

"You will never guess what happened today!"  Liam burst out, falling onto Zayn's bed.  He laid on his back, smiling up at the ceiling.

"What happened?"  Zayn asked,  sprawling out on the couch he had in his room.  I sat down on the floor by the bed.

"I met the most amazing guy today!  His name's Louis, and him and N-an old friend of ours are coming to the concert tonight!"  Liam said, staring right at me with the largest and creepiest smile on his face still.  What was with the smiling?  Was it all because of that guy. Louis?

"What old friend?"  Liam smirked.  I frowned at him.  "What old friend?  Who did you run into?"

Liam shook his head.  "You'll find out tonight!"

Liam's phone vibrated from its position on the ground next to me.  It must have fallen out when he tackled me.  I lunged for the phone, grabbing it seconds before Liam could.  I froze when I read the text, not able to move or breathe.

Hey it's Niall.  Forgot to ask, what time's the show tonight?

I stared up at Liam in shock, not knowing what to do.

"Who is it?"  Zayn asked as Liam grabbed his phone from me.

"You talked...he's here?  In London?"

"Yup, we talked.  I ran into him at Nando's."  Liam raised an eyebrow at me and I felt a small smile slowly begin to grow.

"How is he?"  I asked anxiously.

"WHO?"  Zayn shouted in frustration.

"Niall!"  I shouted at him, immediately turning back to stare at Liam.

Zayn looked over at Liam too, gasping.  "You saw Ni?"

"Yup, and he's great!  He's still hungry all the time, he's still skinny, he's blonde, and he's single."  Liam winked at me.

I felt me smile grow a bit more.  "You sure?"

"Yep, he told me so.  You can ask him tonight, if you don't believe me.  Or tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow?"  I asked eagerly.

"Yea, Niall invited three of us and his friend Louis over to his flat tomorrow night."

"Cool, thin k he'd mind if I brought Perrie?"  Zayn asked happily.

"Probably not, you know Niall."  Liam said.

"So, wait-he's blonde now?" Zayn asked, laughing.

"Yeah, it doesn't look bad."

"Of course it doesn't."  I sighed.  "So, he's friends with that Louis guy you met today?"

Liam blushed.  "Yeah, he's amazing!  He has these gorgeous blue eyes, not like Niall's, a bit darker.  He has this soft looking, feathery brown hair.  And his bum, it's perfect!  And his voice, it's high pitched and just perfect!  You should hear him sing!  That's how I found out Niall was in the restaurant.  I walked in and Niall and Louis were singing along to WMYB.  Louis' voice is perfect.  He's really funny, he's a fan too!  Niall says he likes me, and he's coming to the show!"  Liam gasped.  "What am I going to wear?"

Zayn and I burst into laughter.  "You sound like a girl, mate."

Liam ran around the room, panicking about his outfit.  As the time got closer and closer to when we'd leave, and when I'd be seeing Niall again, I began to get nervous.  I was going to be seeing Niall, the love of my life, for the first time in three years tonight.  What if he hated me?  I'd hate me if I were him.  He probably did...

"You alright, Haz?" Zayn plopped down next to me as Liam went to raid his closet.

I shook my head frantically.  "What if he doesn't like me?  What if he hates me for what I did?  What if he's moved on?  What if Liam's wrong and he has a boyfriend?  What if I do or say something stupid?  I can't lose him again, Zayn!"

"Relax!  You won't lose him again, everything's going to be fine.  You two are meant to be together.  I'm sure he misses you just as much and you miss him."

"And if he doesn't?"

Zayn shrugged.  "Then you seduce him."

I laughed.  "And if he does?"

"Seduce him anyway."  Zayn grinned at me.  I glanced nervously at the clock.  "Relax, mate.  You got him to fall in love with you once, you can do it again."

"You sure?"

"Of course!  Haven't you been listening to the girls?  You're sexy."

I managed to laugh as he got up to go get dressed, since we had to leave soon.  I looked over at the picture of us when we were dating, staring into Niall's bright blue eyes.  I saw the love in them as he stared at me possessively.  I saw the joy as I kissed his cheek and held him tight against my chest.  I tried to imagine him as a blonde, but I couldn't.  It didn't matter, though.  I knew it would look good on him.

I stared at him and felt desperation  creep into my heart.  I wanted to kiss him and talk to him again.   I wanted to touch him and hold him like no one else could.  I wanted to hear his laugh and see his smile, knowing I'm the reason behind it.  I wanted to make him breakfast, lunch, dinner, and every snack he wants.  I wanted to be able to tell him how much I love him, and have him know it's true.  I wanted, no I needed, him to tell me he loves me too.

But more than anything, I needed to make him mine again.

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