ch. 12

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**Harry's POV**

I scrolled through my mentions happily.  The response from the fans about my sexuality was incredible, better than I had ever hoped it would be.  Many were complimenting me on my bravery to come out  while others were talking about how they hoped Niall and I were happy together.

I looked out the window.  I know Niall saw the interview, but I didn't know anything else.  Louis wouldn't tell me how he reacted or whether he forgave me or not.  Louis didn't seem worried, so I'm hoping for the best, but it's hard to tell.

I ran through the song in my head, making sure I had it right.  I asked Louis if he would join us on stage during the performance.  He was surprised, I smile remembering it.  He was like a screaming fangirl.  I guess that is what he considers himself, but he's a friend now.  Well, a little more than a friend to Liam, but a friend to Zayn and me.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Zayn smiling down at me.  "It's an incredible song, Haz.  He'll love it.  Everything's going to be fine, I know it."

I nodded and took a deep breath as we pulled up to the school.  The three of us got out of the car and walked quickly into the office.  Louis was already sitting in the office, waiting for us.  He looked up quickly when we came in and immediately grabbed me in a hug.

He tackled me to the ground and I laughed slightly breathlessly.  "Hi, Lou."

"HARRY!  You were incredible, that was so awesome of you to do what you did and you did it so well!  How have the fans been?  How has the hate been?  Are you ok?  How'd management react?"

I laughed.  "Everything's been much better than I thought.  Now we just have to work on getting Niall to be fine with everything."

Louis smiled mischievously.  "Isn't that what the song's for, pop star?"

"I rolled my eyes at him and pushed him off me.  "Go greet your boyfriend or something."

He smiled and tackled Liam, who had been watching the two of us wrestle in amusement."Woah!  Hey, babe."

Louis kissed Liam quickly and then tackled Zayn, who just stared up at us in confusion.  The dean cleared his throat and we looked up quickly.  He was smiling in amusement down at us.

"Should we set up for the concert, boys?  I do believe we only have about an hour."

I nodded hurriedly at him and the four of us followed him, pushing each other jokingly as we went.

**Niall's POV**

I frowned down at my phone.  Louis hadn't texted me in almost an hour.  It was unusual and I was starting to worry.  I was about to text him when I was interrupted by the professor calling us to attention.

"So, I know this is college, and you aren't exactly used to assemblies, but I'm going to ask you all to report to the auditorium, please."  She smiled at Niall.  He scrunched his face in confusion but followed his classmates out the door.

"What do you think is going on?"  Eleanor asked breathlessy from beside him.

"I don't know, did anything big happen recently?"  Danielle asked worriedly.

Matt chuckled.  "Other than Harry Styles informing everyone in the world he's in love with Niall?"

I grinned at them.  "It's the Irish charm.  No one can resist it."

Eleanor rolled her eyes at me.  "Seriously, though.  Why didn't you ever tell us you knew him?  And more importantly, that you dated him!"

I shrugged.  "I wasn't exactly happy with him."

Eleanor went o say something but Danielle stopped her with a shake of her head.  The four of us sat down close to the front of the stage.  The curtains were closed so we couldn't tell what was going on.

I glanced down at my phone again.  "Where's Louis?"

Eleanor shrugged.  "Who knows?  Probably with another group of friends.  The two of you are friends with pretty much the entire school you know."

I laughed and looked up as the lights suddenly shut off.  It was silent as everyone looked around in confusion, trying to see something, anything.  The stage suddenly lit up and Louis stood on the stage.

"What the hell?"  I muttered.  The others shook their heads in confusion.

"Hey guys!"  Louis grinned out at the crowd, grinning in excitement.  "I'm Louis, as most of you probably know.  I'm sure you guys are confused about what's going on, but I promise you it'll all make sense in a moment.  You see, I have a problem.

"Well, I don't have a problem, but a couple friends of mine do."  Louis found me in the crowd and grinned directly at me.

"Shit."  I closed my eyes and let my head drop into my hands.  He was not going to talk to the entire school about my relationship issues he knew were mostly over.

"And my one friend wants to make it better.  But he didn't just want to apologize to our friend.  After all, what's the good in an apology if no one's there to witness it?  He wants to prove how he feels.  So he went on an interview, because that's part of his job as a superstar."  Louis grinned over shoulder.  "And started to write.  You guys know who I'm talking about yet?  I hope you do.  Because we have a little surprise for all of you."

I looked up, confused, just in time to ee the curtains peel back and for Louis to turn around and walk towards the drums.  The drums that shouldn't be there, except they were, because the whole stage was set up, ready for a concert.  And there, on stage, was Zayn and Liam. 

Louis went to stand by Liam , and they both looked towards the middle of the stage.  Because in the middle of the stage, looking as perfect as usual, was Harry.

**Harry's POV**

I heard the screams from everyone in the audience and smiled widely.  I looked over at the boys and they were waving and smiling widely.  Then they looked at me, and I knew I had to talk.

"So, most of you probably know who we are, and for those of you who don't, that one with the black hair in a quiff?  That's Zayn.  The one with the shaved head that looks like a puppy?  That's Liam.  You all obviously know Louis already, since he isn't technically in the band...yet."  Louis looked over at me in surprise and I chuckled.  "I'm Harry, and a couple years ago, I was lucky enough to be dating the most perfect guy I have ever met.  Most of you probably know him.  I saw him a little while ago, the last time I was here.

Seeing him, reminded me how much I love him.  And how much I need him.  I saw how stupid I was to just let him go like I did.  So I decided to at least try and get him back.

Some of you may have saw an interview we did a couple weeks ago.  In it, i came out and told the world.  Now I'm telling you, again, to make sure Niall knows how I feel, how I've always felt.  I wrote a couple couple songs, and we would like to preform them to you, Niall."

I finally locked eyes with Niall, his wide with disbelief.  I smile at him.  "So this mini concert is for you, babe.  I love you."

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