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Here are a few reasons why God would give you a prophetic revelation but not allow you to release it:

1. He was giving you the word as an intercessor, not for release to people but so you know how to pray in the secret place.

2. The word needs to be incubated and nurtured in the place of prayer, so that you have more details and have greater precision and accuracy in releasing it. You spend this time searching through scriptures for confirmation and depth.

3. The people who are meant to receive the word are not ready yet, and He wants you to pray for them first for their hearts to be made ready and for yourself that you'll receive wisdom on how to deliver it lest you cause more harm than good in the delivery.

4. So you can move from the stage of revelation to interpretation in the place of prayer, lest you rush out to deliver a word which you have either interpreted wrongly or left room for the people who hear you to interpret it wrongly.

5. He has mandated other prophetic voices to speak out the word; your role is only to intercede and observe.

6. To test your self control, humility and how far He is able to restrain you whenever He wishes, which is mark of maturity. He may have been training you over a period of time on how to boldly declare His Word without being afraid of anyone, but is now switching to training you how to hold yourself even when you've clearly heard from Him, until He Himself moves you to speak it out.

7. Because the word may be a series in many more that are coming to you on the same issue, and He wants you to wait on Him in the place of prayer until you have a complete word that can help people a lot more, and be palatable and spiritually healthy for them to partake.

8. To correct your heart's attitude. Sometimes you have an accurate word from God but your heart is totally wrong, for example, being in a place where you don't love the people you are being sent to. It is important that He corrects your heart's attitude because people do not only consume what you release prophetically; they feed on who you are. So if you carry the wrong spirit, they'll get defiled. 

9. The word may be meant for a certain person/people, at a specified time and in a specific forum, and so until these are in alignment, He holds you back.

10. He was have been confiding in you as His friend, period. Friends share secrets between them that may not necessarily have the requirement of action attached to them.

11. He may also be having you wait in the secret place with that word until it works in you first and produces the fruit it is supposed to produce in others. Because if you release a word concerning something but you're living an opposite life, then you expose yourself to the consequences, including divine judgement or spiritual attacks. .

Amazing Artwork by Mindi Oaten Art, used with permission

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