Corporate Prayer For Worship As One

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Opening Prayer:

Heavenly Father, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we praise and worship you for all that You are. You are the God who searches all things and knows all things. You are the God who listens to Your people and deliver us from our distress. Tonight we gather as one, as a community of believers of Jesus Christ. Tonight Lord we shall plead for Your mercy, and deliverance as we come against every bad report that opposes the fulfillment of Your plans .

Lord we know that we always fall short of Your glory. That we have sinned against you and we fail you everyday and so we ask that You wash us clean with the Most Precious Blood of Jesus that we may be worthy of Your Presence tonight.

Tonight we surrender to You. There is nothing we can do without you. We acknowledge Your Presence in our lives. We acknowledge Your sovereignty over our situation and so we come to You with humility and submission.

Thank You Lord for giving us a community of faith in which we can grow ever deeper in our faith, In our Love and Desire to long for you.

Lord, tonight remind us, remind us of your Love, Of your sacrifice for us, Of your ever mindful presence. Let us never lose hope along the way even in the midst of this terrible times. Help us to be strong. Strong in Faith. Strong in Love. Strong in our Desire to be ever mindful of your presence.

For it is in your strength and Love and the Graces you bestow upon us, that we can go out and share in your Love and Faith with all those in our community. We lift world, the nation, the community to You Lord Jesus. We lift to you the success of the Worship As One Bantayan.

In the name of Jesus, we plead the Blood of Jesus over our community tonight. Let every authority, principality, power, dominion, demons, elemental forces and evil spirit and anything that does not come from God be bound by the Blood of Jesus and be casted at the foot of the cross.

Encamp your angels around us tonight Lord. Be the wall of fire around us and be the glory inside us. We declare victory over tonight's praise and worship. In Jesus Mighty and sovereign name.


A Pure Heart

A Pure Heart, That's What I Long For;
A Heart That Follows Hard After Thee.
A Pure Heart, That's What I Long For;
A Heart That Follows Hard After Thee.

A Heart That Hides Your Word
So That Sin Will Not Come In.
A Heart That's Undivided
But One You Rule And Reign;

A Heart That Beats Compassion,
That Pleases You, My Lord,
A Sweet Aroma Of Worship
That Rises To Your Throne.

PSALM 112: 6-8

Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever.

They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.


God inhabits the praises of His people. Let us remember that the battle is not ours, it is the Lord's all we have to do is praise Him, lift the battle up to Him, and believe that God is able to deliver His people from the hands of the enemy. If we are in His Presence, what else do we need? Everything is there. In His Presence, the power is there. Healing, miracles, deliverance are there. We only need to run to His Presence, be still and know that He is God.

So let us praise God and enthrone Him in songs of deliverance.


This is my prayer in the desert
When all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides

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