It was a lie?? part 2

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RECAP: tae nodded his head enthusiastically, happy about the idea. with that jennie started the car and their way home. what they both didn't know was that beomgyu had woken up due to hearing tae climb in the car, and heard the heartbreaking cries come from his older siblings. beomgyu's heart hurt even more hearing their cries. he thought that despite them going through their own hard times they still manage to push that behind them to help him. beomgyu wanted to get better and face his fears to make his siblings proud, so they won't have to worry about him anymore.

After I witnessed my brother break down I was encouraged to get better for him, for all of my family. I don't want them to worry or be hurt anymore. I'll be strong and get better just for them. I'll make them proud of me. And lastly I'm making it my mission to get over yeonjun and accept the fact that our friendship is ruined. 

Once my brother calmed down Jennie noona started the car. A few minutes into the drive I 'woke' up. tae saw this and suggested we make a fort and have a nice movie night with a lot junk food and I can even invite some of my friends. I thought that was a great idea so we stopped to the grocery store to get some snacks and headed home after.

Once we arrived home we all dashed into our rooms to change into our matching onesies. I than went downstairs to make the fort while nini and tae got the snacks prepared. Not too long after Jin, and jisoo walked through the door. They asked us if we were okay and we just nodded yes. After, they changed into their onesies and soon all of us were laughing while watching comedy movies, romance movies and horror movies.

Jin, tae and I all jumped and screamed during the horrors while jisoo and jennie laughed at us. We all cried during the titanic, and laughed during grownups 1 and 2. Adam Sandler's the best. We all eventually fell asleep in the fort. It was a horrible day turned into a good night.

I woke up to the loud sounds of pots, pans, and laughing. I crawled out of the fort and walked into the kitchen to see what the commotion was about. Jin and Jennie were fighting over pans. While jisoo and tae were sitting at the island laughing at them.

"Good morning silly people," I giggled.

With the sound of my voice everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to me.

"Good morning Beomie bear!" They all yelled enthusiastically.

"How you feeling?" Jisoo noona asked.

"I'm okay, I could be better....but I'm okay." I replied back with a shy smile.

"Well I'm glad you're okay gyu!" Tae smiled

"You're really strong gyu, not everyone can be okay after something like that happened to them." Jin states proudly.

I just giggled awkwardly. I felt bad for lying to them, but if it puts them at ease and makes them less stressed than it's worth it.

"Okay now that everyone's here. I need to discuss some-," Jin started.

"Wait, where's eomma and appa?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, they went to the police, they wanted to discuss keeping what happened from the public." Jennie said.

"Ohh okay," I replied.

"Who's ready for breakfast?!" Jisoo yelled.

We all covered our ears from the loud yell. "My goodness jisoo." Jennie said with a concerned face.

Jisoo laughed nervously, "sorry guys."


once we all finished our breakfast we all got ready to change, and since it was a casual day today we didn't need to wear our school uniforms. that also means it took us all a long time to get ready. we take long when we wear our uniforms as well, so you could only imagine how long it takes when we have to choose our own outfits. plus we're fashionistas, so we always try to look our best. 

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