Slumber party (fluff)

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(reader and yuuji,nobara and megumi has a slumber partyyy too bad the title cant fit all of their name, anyways enjoy! so reader-chan is also a 1st year student in jujutsu high, fyi, Tokyo banana is a legit delicacy in tokyo that only sold in tokyo airport and its VELI GUD)

"Knock knock...." You whispered outside Itadori's dorm room.

"Who's there?" Itadori cooperatively responded.

"Jennifer Lawrance!" You teasingly answered knowing exactly how to push his bottons. "OMG! (y/n) really?" the door flung open revealing a embarrassed Itadori. You playfully chuckled before handing him the 2 big bags of snacks you bought , being the nice person with crazy strength that he is, he carry it with ease and took it inside the room.

You closed the door carefully close the door behind you, not wanting to draw any attention as the dorm forbids student to gather around pass 6.00pm. "What took you so long?" Nobara asked clearly unhappy that you're 1hr late. "Daawhh because I went to buy...."you reach into one of the big bags fumbing around trying to find something. "This!" You proudly took it out and held it up high in the air, "Tokyo Banana!!" because you prop it directly under the room light it gave it a holy light effect shining down on the delicacy and Nobara swear that she heard angels singing at the background.

Her eyes sparkles in excitement, eagar to try this thing call "Tokyo banana", making grabby grabby hands wanting to take it from you. Megumi on the other hand, was completely unfazed by the chaos and seems to be immuned by how noisy that you guys were, he just sats on Itadori's bed quietly despite being untalkative but he do enjoy the company. 

Everyone end up sitting on the floor in a circle, unwrapping this legendary snack called Tokyo Banana that you have been talking about for quite sometime. "Wow it's so soft!" Itadori exclaimed in surprise while gently poking the spongy small banana cake. "Try it!" you urge him, pushing his hands towards his face.

Nobara happily plopped the whole thing into her mouth in 1 bite, and chewing it prudently, analyzing the taste. The exterior of the cake is airy and soft comrade with the smooth and creamy custard filling made a sharp contrast, the banana flavour wasn't over powering but subtle yet has the natural sweetness of a riped banana. (im sorry to anyone who dislikes or allergic to banana hahah)

The expression on their face was priceless, eyes widen and filled with awe, capivated by this dessert that looks so simple. "Welllllll?" you nudged Megumi with your elbow, feeling proud that you're able to make a stonic person reacted with such expression. "this is.....GOOD!!" Itadori shrieked, and start doing little weird dance moves with Nobara while eating it.

The sound of the twisting door knob startled everyone and they scattered to find a place to hide, not wanting to be caught. Megumi swiftly slide under Itadori's bed as Nobara tries to squeeze herself into Itadori's closet, her knees to her chest in a fetus position while you tried to hide behind the curtains but forgetting that it wasn't long enough so half of your legs were exposed. Itadori laid on his own bed in a odd pose as if he's trying too hard to look normal making it more suspicious than it already is.

The door creaked as it was opened, it was Gojo sensei, he overheard some commotion while passing by the room so he decided to check, out of concern but what was unfold before him made him a little dumbfounded, he wasn't angry at all but was astonished by his student's desperate attempt to hide from him and doing it horribly which makes it even funnier. He tries his best to surpress his laughter, he knows what he has to do as a teacher but he couldn't help but feel this fuzzy feeling in his heart, questioning himself why is his students so cute.

"You guys...... DID NOT INVITE ME!"

"Huh?!" all of the students answered in unision.

(hope you guys enjoy it!, if you guys ever go to Tokyo, Tokyo banana is a must try!"

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