A forced goodbye

978 46 102


After some schedule change (and a talk with T'Challa) I change the number of sessions with Zemo to 3 instead of only 2, which will take place on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

I just talked with Shuri about which days I can do video calls with her as I can't be late again like I was on Monday. It might not seem like it but I have to take my work as a psychologist seriously, especially since Zemo really needs the support.

"Why did you want to have more sessions with that criminal? Having to spend time with a monster like him, must be torture" Shuri says.

"He's really not that bad. Don't get me wrong, you have all the right to hate him after what he did, but after working with him for a while I have come to realize he's not a monster, he's just broken"

"I know, but I still worry about you. And I know you would never mean it like that, but I can't help but see him as a murderer"

"We should talk about something else don't you think?" I point out and Shuri agrees. She then starts rambling about this new project she's working on, and some update ideas she has for Princess.

~~~~ Time skip to Wednesday~~~~

"So how is the book so far?" I ask Zemo.

"It's very interesting, I'm almost finished with it. You should read it after I'm done, I think you'll quite like it"

"And what makes you think you know what type of books I like?" I ask him.

I am not trying to be mean in any way, but this is just our third session, there's no way he already knows what type of person I am and what things I like. Not only that but most of our talks are focused on him, not on me.

"I recall on our last session you mentioned a liking to the book 'Pride and Prejudice' which is an enemies to lovers romance if I'm not wrong. Based on that I could say you like those types of romances, and the one you gave me is not exactly that genre but very similar, so that's why I think you might like it."

I look up from my notebook surprised. He read me like a book, literally. It seems I underestimated him, which honestly I shouldn't have, especially given his criminal records.
Zemo just looks at me and chuckles.

"Alright you do know what type of books I like, I'll check it out then, happy?"

"Very," He says smirking.

~~~~Another time skip~~~~

It has been a couple of months since I have started working with Zemo, and not only has he improved but we have become quite close. He is no longer reserved and we have become good friends I would say.

I don't see him as often though, especially because there isn't much left for me to do with my job as a psychologist, and lately, I have been helping Fury with this organization he had founded years ago but kept in the shadows called S.W.O.R.D.

I have been taking some missions lately which are around Europe as it's easy for me to move around due to my location, but that has made it harder for me to see Zemo.

So today after some weeks of not having a session I'm going to see Zemo, my excuse for being away for so long, family issues.

I enter the building waving at the guards who already know me well enough to know I have permission to be here. I walk to Zemo's cell and knock on it as I walk in, there I see him reading a book, I look down trying to see which book it is.

"I see you are re-reading Pride and Prejudice, have you missed me that much?" I ask him as I take a seat chuckling and he looks up from the book, a smile forming on his lips.

The Criminal Who Fell For The Spy (Zemo x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now