An unexpected call

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"The reason it was so hard for me was that...I lost you"

I stare at Zemo surprised. My mind is blank for a moment. He had such a hard time, sleepless nights and so much pain, because of me? Because he lost me?
Sure we are friends, and we were before the whole snap, but even so, I never imagined he was so fond of me.

"Because you lost me?"

"Yes," Zemo says slightly flustered as he avoids eye contact.

"But why because of me? If I may ask. I know we are good friends but- am I really that important to you?" I ask him wanting to understand him better.

"Well, the thing is Y/N that I personally have been-"


I take out my phone giving Zemo an apologetic look as I see the name of the person calling me, and answer it.

"Bucky I'm in the middle of a very important session right now, can this wait at least 30 minutes?"
"No, it can't. Something happened." He explains, his voice in a serious tone I have never heard him use before.
"What happened? Is everything okay?" I ask him. Zemo looks at me concerned and I look back at him with the same expression.

"Y/N...Steve, Steve died."

My face drops, my breathing breaks apart as I start shaking.
This can't be happening, it can't be real, this has to be a misunderstanding.
"He passed away in his sleep"
I cover my mouth as I put the phone down. Steve had been my best friend since he awoke from his 70-years nap, and never did I imagine that I'd lose him so soon.
I end the call and cover my face with my hands as I try to put myself together.

"Y/N, are you okay?"

And with that I breakdown into tears not being able to hold my emotions anymore. A person can only hide so much, and after so many things are thrown at you, the act you use to cover yourself will eventually break.

"I'm very sorry Zemo" I start explaining taking my things, "I'm going to have to end this session earlier...I'll umm, make it up to you on our next meeting"
"Y/n you haven't answered my question, are you okay-"
"Do I look okay Zemo?!"
He jumps back slightly, and he looks at me shocked. I realize I snapped at him and look down.
"I'm sorry I just, I need time, I-I don't know, I'm sorry"
I quickly walk out of the room not letting Zemo reply and practically run back to my apartment as I try to stop crying.


When I get to my apartment I pack my bags and ask Princess to get in contact with Okoye and ask if she can send me a jet so I can get to New York as soon as possible.
Okoye is very understanding of the situation and in 2 hours the jet arrives at the nearest private airport in Berlin.

I get on it and fly to New York, I cry most of the flight apart from when I fall asleep.
The only thing in my mind on my way there is Steve, the fact the last time I called with him was a week ago and he was telling me about the things we could do next time I went to visit.
But now that'll never happen, and Steve will become one of my many memories.

When the plane arrives I get of it as quickly as possible and at the exit of the airport, I see Bucky, with Steve's motorbike.
He opens his arms and I go to hug him tightly crying on his shoulder.

"I can't believe he's gone Bucky"

"I know, neither can I"


The funeral was completely private, and only some of the Avengers were able to attend, the weather was just as depressing as the day itself. Sam, Bucky, and I spoke in regards to Steve's passing, somehow I didn't break down during the speech but I'm glad I didn't, I wouldn't want everyone else to see me like that.

The Criminal Who Fell For The Spy (Zemo x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now