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It's the next morning, Mia Toretto is still at the police station having been brought in by Stasiak. Brian walks into the station before walking over to his sister.

"Bri, isn't that..." Beatrix says as she motions to Mia in the interrogation room with Stasiak. Brian walks over to a desk before picking up the phone.

"Hi. This is Forsythe in Evidence. I need Stasiak down here right away to sign some greenies," Brian lies to the person he is talking to. Brian hangs up before turning to Trina. "Hey. Okay, I narrowed it down to 50 or so David Parks. What I'd like you to do is run the make and model on each one of them." Stasiak leaves the interrogation room, causing Mia to let out a thankful sigh.

"Hey, Tyler, we got a transfer," Beatrix says as she walks into the interrogation room before Tyler nods as Beatrix walks over to Mia. "You want to come with me?" Brian leaves with Mia so they can talk. Beatrix and Trina work on getting the cross check on David Park.

"Brian!" Trina calls as he walks in back into the station.

"We got the cross-checks on David Park back and have a list of possibilities," Beatrix says with a smile as Trina grabs the papers.

"What do you got?" Brian asks them as he looks at Trina.

"All right. A 45 year old male in a '06 Scion, with three reckless driving tickets," Trina reads the first one.

"No," Brian tells her.

"An '01 Chevy Tahoe," Trina lists.

"No," Beatrix says as she shakes her head.

"Two Mini Coopers, a '06 and a '07, a Toyota Hybrid," Trina tries again.

"Hell no," Beatrix says really shaking her head.

"A '98 Saturn, a '95 Sebring, a '98 Nissan 240 with an illegal mod," Trina tries once again.

"Wait. That's it," Brian stops her as they stop walking. "The 240 with the illegal mod."

"How do you know?" Trina asks him confused.

"'Cause that's something we'd drive," Brian answers as he glances at Beatrix before he goes through the papers.

Brian and Beatrix are below the apartments checking out David's car. Beatrix hears a yell before looking up to see a man hanging out a window before she quickly runs up to the apartment.

Brian looks up before quickly following after her. Once inside the apartment they find Dom, holding the man by his foot.

"Come on, man, I don't know shit! Just let me up! I told you, you got to talk to Braga!" David pleads with Dom.

"Bring him up, Dom!" Brian says as he walks closer to Dom. "Bring him up."

"You here to take me in, O'Conner?" Dom asks him as he barely glances at Brian.

"Letty was my friend, too," Brian tries to reason with him.

"You weren't anyone's friend," Dom tells Brian as his face hardens into a glare.

"Letty was running for this guy, Braga, and things went bad," Brian explains what he knows. "I'm going to get these guys, Dom. Now let me do my job and bring him up."

"I'm going to kill this Braga. And anyone else who gets in my way," Dom tells Brian as he glances at Beatrix before dropping David, who grabs onto the curtain hanging out the window. Brian and Beatrix rush over to help David up as Dom disappears.

Brian and Beatrix bring David back to the station.

"O'Conner!" Stasiak yells as he sees the blonde, who ignores him. "O'Conner! If you ever release a witness of mine again..." Stasiak shoves Brian into a wall before Beatrix kicks Stasiak in the back of the knee causing him to buckle.

Beatrix slams Stasiak's face into the wall before Brian knees him in the stomach. Stasiak slides to the ground with a bloody nose as two agents pull Brian and Beatrix away from him.

"That's enough!" Chief Penning orders as he rushes over.

"You're through, O'Conner's!" Stasiak says as he points at Brian and Beatrix.

"I said that's enough!" Penning orders as he points at Stasiak. "Stasiak, go get yourself cleaned up."

"What? They hit me first! You..." Stasiak starts complaining.

"This isn't the Cub Scouts! Now, go on! You're bleeding on my floor," Penning cuts him off before Stasiak walks off. "O'Conner's, do you know the difference between a cop and a criminal?"

"What?" Brian asks him.

"One bad judgment call," Penning answers him as Beatrix rolls her eyes. "Keep your shit in line, son." Brian takes David in for questioning before reporting back what he found out.

"Good news. We have intel that Braga's number two, Ramon Campos, will hold a street race in Koreatown tomorrow night to fill two slots on his team. They've already chosen three drivers from previous races. Our newest informant, Mr. David Park, has been kind enough to get us into the race," Penning explains all of the new information to everyone. "Brian, you're up." Brian nods his head with a smirk on his face. "Beatrix, you're up as well. Since there is two spots."

Brian frowns since he didn't want his sister mixed up in the action. All he had to do was make sure that she didn't win or come in second.

"Let me guess, winner and second gets the slots," Trina asks causing Brian to nod.

"All right, so these are all the imports the city has in impound," Trina says as all of the cars come on screen. "Pick your poison."

"All right, 2206. I crashed one of those. 3418 and 2756," Brian names off as a smile grows on his face.

"Okay, so which one do you want?" Trina asks as she brings each of the cars up on the screen.
"I want them all," Brian answers her with a straight face.

"What about you Bea?" Trina asks as she looks at Beatrix, who isn't even looking at the cars.

"I have a car," Beatrix says with a smirk.

After getting the three cars, Brian gets to work on building himself a car for the race. Beatrix brings her car in to make sure everything is good before they are given tracking devices that they have to hide in their cars.

 Beatrix brings her car in to make sure everything is good before they are given tracking devices that they have to hide in their cars

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