1. A lifechanging dress

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The sky of Los Angeles, forever saturated with fun and madness, was getting dark, another crazy evening was over for me, and everyone was hurrying to their homes. Lily and Jane, my colleagues, left without a word with their regular clients, rich married men with thick wallets.

Frankly, I envied both of them a little bit: my clients were most often for one night, and they left little money purely out of harm, and besides, my bad temper, so unloved in prostitutes by uncles tired of their annoying wives, was banished to our entire block, so no one came to me especially, and I left the brothel at nine in the evening. There was little choice: either another bar, or Amy, my sister, or a house, a lonely gray apartment on the first floor of an old house, where new neighbors settled every month, most often party and alcohol lovers.

"Where are you going now?" I heard voice of Lucy,another colleague of mine, if you could call her that. She was one of those who were called twice a day, in a word - elite.

Lucy Rose could choose herself with whom to leave, receive gifts and a lot of money, and purely in secret, her life was more fun and cooler than all of us taken.

"Probably I'll go to my sister, or maybe to a bar. I didn't decide," I replied, shrugging my shoulders and buttoning my shirt, heading for the exit. Lucy, however, stopped me.

"Do you wanna come with me?My favorite client gave me money, so I will spend it today!"

"Lou, you know that I don't have that kind of money, and in general I don't want to go anywhere today," I tried to excuse myself. Lucy was not a bad person, but her assertiveness and arrogance often caused bewilderment or banal irritation in me.

"C'mon!" she was definitely not going to lag behind.
"I treat you today. And we'll go shopping, and we'll have a drink together, maybe we'll go to the club. Walk while you can, Kitty, my advice to you."

It's her silly and too girly "Kitty" again! My name was Caitelin, Keith, Kat, but not what Lucy called me. I was not going to correct it once again because any words would be simply useless here, so I had to agree.

We went in Lucy's personal car, quite expensive, brand new and shiny. The flashy red, almost crimson color of the car, tinted windows and a roof that could be lowered by pressing a button to the left of the steering wheel, all this unknowingly called attributes of a rich successful woman, but not a prostitute from New York!

Frankly, the driver from Lou was terrible, and I doubted whether this person had any rights acquired for real knowledge. The license, like the car, was a gift from Mr. Walters, one of her favorite clients, and the richest of them all.

"Kitty, would you like me to open the roof? The night wind of this city will blow away all your boredom!" and before I could object, the blonde pressed the button, and the roof disappeared in an instant.

A frenzied whistle of air fell upon me, mixed with the wind and the noise of the city, and from the abrupt change in sensations, I gasped for a moment, closing my eyes. The hair that I diligently styled for half an hour after visiting a client instantly flew up and turned into a shock of hay.

"Lou! Don't drive like that, I beg you!" I whined, holding my hand to the car door.

My colleague ignored my insistent request and took to the left, so abruptly that we were skidded, and I was pinned to the side of the car. It happened so quickly and unexpectedly that hanging out of a red Ferrari almost completely upside down at high speed, I only had a terrible feeling of falling sharply hitting me, so when we lined up and parked at some expensive store, I still hadn't came to her senses and on staggering legs, barely touching them, stood next to the absolutely calm Lou.

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