Curiosity killed the cat.

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   It has gotten significantly darker, and we're all just laying around the park doing our own thing. Just as I'm about to suggest we head home, a loud shrill scream echos making us all sit up.

"You guys heard that right?" Rowan ask with wide eyes.

"No, ro we didn't. Of course we heard it!" Emmiline responds sarcastically.

"I think it came from the lake.." Mavis says, looking in the direction of the lake.

Everyone gets up and starts walking towards the lake, but I stay planted in my spot.

"Um- guys are you sure we should be walking towards the scream!?"

Lio jogs over to me and throws his arm around my shoulder. "Calm down, it'll be fine. And plus I'll be there to protect you." He says smugly.

I shake my head and walk faster, towards Mavis.

As we get closer to the lake I can see two silhouettes, they both look like men. I look closer and see another person, this person is thrashing around the the water screaming, one of the men holding them down. We all stop and Mavis whispers "Get down!" I duck down behind a tree with Lio next to me.

Tears gather in my eyes from the screaming and the sound of water splashing around. One of the men then pulls something out of his pocket.

"This is taking too long Rick! Let me shoot her!" One of the men yells with a thick accent that I can't pinpoint.

"Fine. No extra stuff, we have a meeting with Mario." The man who I now know is Rick responds.

I feel something hit my leg and look to my left. I see Rowan motion his head, and he mouths to me "let's get out of here" I tap Lio and tell him what Rowan said. We all slowly start to back away, then I accidentally step on a piece of trash and it crinkles, making a loud sound in the quiet night.

The man snaps his head towards us, luckily Lio grabs my arm and pulls me behind a wall.

"What was that?" The man whispers harshly.

I breathe heavily and Lio puts his hand over my mouth "Shh shh, it's okay, it's okay Sweetheart."

I feel someone pull me up and I keep running.


   We're all seated on my front porch, silent. No one has talked since we all ran.

Emmiline clears her throat, standing up, "I'm uh- I'm gonna head home now." She says with a shaky voice.

Soon Rowan and Mavis leave as well, and now it's just me and Lio.

"Are you okay?" Lio asks, concern in his voice.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I say with a shaky voice. I hear him sigh.

"Don't lie to me Lainey."

"I'm not lying, I said I'm fine."


"It's getting late, you should head home. Goodnight Lio."

I stand and go inside my house, ignoring my parents when they ask me why I was out so late. I go straight to my room and lay on top of the covers, not bothering to change or even take off my shoes.

That night my dreams are filled with the screams of the woman in the lake, the sound of water splashing around and the sadistic smile of the man with the gun.


I wake up to my mom shaking me awake.

"Adeline wake up honey, your friends are outside waiting for you!"

I groan and rub my face as I get out of bed. My mom leaves my room once she sees me getting out of bed and I start getting dressed.

Since I'm still drained from the events of the night before I just throw on some shorts and a sweatshirt. I grab a pair of my shoes and make my way out the house.

When I go out onto my front porch I see all my friends standing there awkwardly. I give them a tight lipped smile and we all start walking with no destination in mind.

"Guys we literally watched someone die." Mavis said with wide eyes. Lio shakes his head at her, "No, technically the person was still alive when we were there. They died after we left."

"Why didn't we call the police again? We witnessed a crime being committed- and we didn't do anything about it." Mavis continues her rant, ignoring Lio.

"Because we were under stress. It was a scary situation so we weren't thinking straight." Rowan replies with a nod of his head.

"Well can we go to the police now, because I'd like to have a clean conscious, I don't like all this bad energ-" Mavis tries to keep talking but Emmiline cuts her off.

"Enough about the shit that happened last night. It was scary, life changing, and a story that we will tell our grandkids at Christmas, it's over now. There's a party tonight at Luca Pragner's house and we're going. We need to get our mind off of this." She says firmly, and no one argues with her.

Guess I'm going to a party.

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