Chapter 1.2

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Clarke and Lexa stood up and Clarke took Lexa's hand. At that moment they looked at each other and they came closer together.

Clarke: You might think I'm crazy but I feel like you and I know each other, there's a connection between us and I don't know how to explain it
Lexa: I feel that way too

Clarke and Lexa joined the others. Luna took Lexa's hand and went further to talk.

Luna: So Woods has a crush?
Lexa: What are you talking about?
Luna: Clarke, silly. I sae you on the beach and I saw the way you look at her
Lexa: You're talking nonsense she's just a friend and we barely know each other
Luna: we both know that's not true and I'm sure Clarke even crushes on you too
Lexa: It's true Clarke is pretty and has beautiful ocean blue eyes but I don't crush on her and I don't think that she had a crush on me. She's straight
Luna: If you say so

While Luna and Lexa were talking. Octavia and Raven was with Clarke.

Octavia: Do you like her?
Clarke: Who?
Raven: Lexa, duh. Who else?
Clarke: Oh, uh... she's just a friend.
Raven: Of course she is

Raven and Octavia laughed

Clarke: Why are you asking me this?
Octavia: We saw the way you looked at each other and frankly I thought you were going to kiss
Clarke: No!
Raven: Aren't you going tell me you didn't want to?!
Clarke: I barely know her and besides I'm not a lesbian
Octavia: Raven, are you stupid or what?! She's bi!
Clarke: Hello! I'm not a lesbian and I'm not bi. Im 100% straight!

Clarke was obviously lying, she's bisexual but don't assume it.

Raven: Ah sorry... the way you looked at her told otherwise, we probably judged a little too quickly
Clarke: No worries!

When it was time to leave Lexa went to Clarke.

Lexa: Here's my number, let me know when you're free
Clarke: Thanks but free for what?
Lexa: Well, for classes ahah... unless you don't want to...

Lexa was afraid she hade done something wrong because Clarke was acting strange.

Clarke: Oh yeah that right. Thanks, I'll send you a message 😅

Clarke went home it was 3 o'clock in the morning

Jake: So, did you have fun?
Clarke: Dad?!
Jake: Look what it is!!

Clarke doesn't have a good relationship with her father. He's violent.

Clarke: I-I'm so sorry. It won't happen again, I promise...
Jake: Go up to your room. Right now!!

Clarke went to her room and cried. Her mother never intervened because she was afraid of Jake.

The next morning Clarke went to the kitchen to get breakfast.

Abby: Clarke, will you come upstairs with me for a minute and help me, please?

Clarke went upstairs with Abby, her mother pulled her into the room and locked the door.

Abby: Clarke I'm so sorry. I didn't knew he was coming home so early
Clarke: It doesn't matter, you couldn't have known

Clarke spent the whole weekend studying in her room to avoid being in the same room as her father. Clarke's alarm clock rang, it was already Monday. Clarke got up, took a shower and went downstairs to have breakfast.

Clarke: Hey mom, can Lexa come over after school so we can study math and science?
Abby: Lexa? Who is she?
Clarke: She's a friend from school
Jake: A friend or a girlfriend?

Her parents know that Clarke is bisexual, her mother isn't against at all but her father is homophobic.

Clarke: She's just a friend dad I promise you. She's straight

At least that's what Clarke think...

Jake: That's okay for once but watch out if you lied to me

Clarke went to high school but doesn't saw Lexa.

👑: Hi Lexa! It's Clarke. Would you like to come to my house after school to study?
🕯⚔: Hi Clarke! Yes or course!
👑: Okay see you later then 😘

Classes were over and Lexa and Clarke left together to Clarke's house.
The girls had arrived and went straight up to Clarke's room. Abby was at work and Jake was probably gone to the bar.

Lexa: You have a nice room
Clarke: Thanks

The girls studied for almost 2 hours

Lexa: Okay, I going to go. I'll see you tomorrow
Clarke: Okay see you tomorrow

For 2 weeks Clarke helped Lexa with math classes and Lexa helped Clarke with science classes. During these 2 weeks they got much closer and became very good friends. The two girls love each other but didn't admit it. Today Lexa had a math test and Clarke was eager to know what grade Lexa got. Clarke hadn't left for school that day so she asked Lexa to come home after school

Clarke: So?
Asked Clarke excited
Lexa: I got a...

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