Chapter 0 - Introduction

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It is horribly demotivating to completely lose 5 (mostly) finalized chapters after dedicating several months of hard work into writing and revising them. I hadn't yet published them, so I have no way of getting them back. After that happened, I couldn't bring myself to continue writing for nearly a year. I noticed how, during that time period, my motivation to do things like art and schoolwork plummeted as well. However, I'm back now, and whether my view count is one or a million, I want every single person reading this to enjoy my silly little fanfiction.

Now for the original things I had planned for the introduction. I may update this later if I realize that I forgot something.

To start, all MCYT-based characters are my personal interpretations of their respective personas, not the real people behind them.

I have no specific upload schedule, but there will usually be a few days' to a few weeks' wait between chapters. Excluding breaks for any personal issues, it should never take much longer than a month for a new chapter.

Feel free to leave feedback, but please stay constructive!

I'm sometimes awful with trigger warnings (TWs), so please comment if I missed any.

Anything written in bold will be an author's note. The author's notes will either be at the top or bottom of the chapter, separated by some sort of symbol. If I choose to put one in the middle of my writing, it will be (bolded and wrapped in parentheses). Words written in bold may also be important information, like the point of view (POV). I write in third person regardless of the POV, but the writing will be more focused on whomever's POV it currently is.

Anything written in italics is either a character's internal thoughts or an emphasized word/phrase. Thoughts can include reminiscing, which is essentially just a flashback.

Anything underlined will be Mega's physical writing.

The first actual chapter should be up soon! Thanks for reading, and enjoy :D

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