Chapter 2 - Out of Mind, Still a Problem

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[POV]: Mega

Mega didn't realize that he had fallen asleep near the café until he felt a small tap on his shoulder, waking him from his usual restless sleep. A small boy stared up at him with wide, honey-colored eyes. Mega started to lazily sign with one hand before realizing the boy probably wouldn't understand sign language. He searched his backpack (which he had seemingly used as a pillow) and pulled out his notebook and pen.

What are you doing?

"I thought you were dead, so I poked you to see if I was right."

The ghost of a smile formed on Mega's face.


"You were lying on the ground."

The boy gasped as he formed a theory.

"Are you a zombie?! 'Cause zombies can't talk, and I'm still pretty sure you were dead."

Mega shook his head, amused.

I just lost track of the time, I suppose. I promise I'm not a zombie though.

"Hmm... if you say so! I better get to my momma before she gets really mad at me again. Bye!"

Just like that, the auburn-haired boy skipped away. Mega didn't even get his name. I would probably seem like a creep if I asked, anyway.

Mega quickly became lost in his own thoughts, imagining where he'd be if he had been born into a decent family. It didn't have to be perfect; Mega just wanted someone to genuinely care about him. Anything would be better than what he had.

Mega's phone chimed, drawing his attention. Didn't I have it muted? Weird. A notification from Skeppy appeared at the top of the screen. Several more soon followed. Of course.

Annoying Idiot




mega pee vee pee ik you
csn see thus

What do you want this time?
And please fix your spelling.
A blind person could do better.

hi :)



Fine. You get one more
chance, but only because
you managed to type an entire
sentence without a mistake.

I'm choosing to ignore the
lack of punctuation.

yayyyy thx

With a sigh, Mega looked up at the gradually brightening sky. He should've known better than to fall for that.

Another chime came from his phone. I really need to mute it this time. I hate that sound.


Skeppy told me that you
haven't been on Invaded
in a while D:

Are you ok Mega?

I'm fine, thanks

He really did appreciate Bad's concern, but Mega preferred to not divulge details about his life. His privacy was one of the few things he still had full control over, and he wasn't about to give it up.

Mega realized that he needed to stop stalling and address the issue at hand. The putrid stench of the grimy café alleyway was becoming unbearable. He would eventually have to move on—and the sooner he found a home, the better.

He carefully analyzed his situation. First, I obviously need food and water, which requires money. A lot of things require money, actually. I've earned a bit from managing Invaded, so I should be okay for a little while.

Mega adjusted his signature green scarf, as well as the hood on his blue striped hoodie. Once certain that he had covered as much of his face as possible, he went to the nearest ATM to withdraw various bills—enough to last a day or two, maybe even three if he was frugal enough.

Barely a step away from the machine, Mega was abruptly hit with gnawing pangs of hunger as the tantalizing scent of freshly baked croissants wafted towards him.

I must have one.

That was the only thought on his mind as he followed the irresistible smell to a nearby coffee shop. He happened to also be craving caffeine, so it was perfect. A small bell tinkled as he walked inside, and the chipper voice of a female employee greeted him.

"Hi! Welcome to Sunshine Roast! Pick any open table, and I'll be with you shortly."

It was clearly a well-rehearsed line that the worker had said countless times before, yet there was not an ounce of boredom in her voice. Impressive.

Mega sat down at a small table in the farthest corner. The booth was surprisingly comfortable, so Mega finally allowed himself to relax. He had nothing to worry about for the time being.

The brunette employee's messy, shoulder-length ponytail swayed gently as she made her way over to Mega's seat.

"Hello! My name is Erin. Do you know what you want to order, or do you need more time to decide?"

Just a small vanilla latte and a croissant please

[POV]: Erin

Although curious about why the boy chose to write instead of talk, Erin wrote down his order without missing a beat. He was the most interesting customer she'd seen by far, but she knew better than to act nosy. He's probably just mute, but it's none of my business.

When the bartender finished making the latte, Erin retrieved it and carried it over to Mega, along with a warm croissant. She then rushed to clean a table across the room. The customer sitting there had left a mess of crumbs and puddles of an unidentifiable liquid. Ew, what a slob.

[POV]: Mega

Mega was extremely grateful for not being questioned. He couldn't remember the last time anyone had the decency to keep quiet.

Slowly sipping on his sweet beverage, Mega cleared his mind and sat peacefully. The coffee shop was quiet enough to feel calming, but not so quiet that it felt unsettling—especially in Mega's secluded corner. For once, no one was staring at him. He could enjoy his drink like a normal person, free of unwanted judgment.

Once finished with his food and drink, Mega waited for the waitress to notice.

With his hunger satiated, Mega could make decisions with a clearer mind. Who to message...

After thinking it over, Mega went with a simple solution: seeing who would answer his plea for help first. He sent the same message to the first people he thought of—Skeppy, Bad, and Zelk.


I know this is random, but
do you have space for a
temporary roommate?

(Say anything about this, and
I will personally make sure
that your life is living hell.)


My motivation dropped again, but the notifications about wonderful people like ImASimpForMCYTers and Starr4f1ffo voting helped a lot. Thank you both so much ^^

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