Chapter 4 - Settling In

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[POV]: Zelk

While answering the door, Zelk had momentarily forgotten that Mega was the person whom he had been so anxiously waiting for. So, despite his best efforts, he was entirely unprepared to see his longtime friend's face for the first time—and in person at that. His jaw had dropped straight to the floor. Not literally, of course, but he was half convinced it would have if it wasn't attached to the rest of his face.

Mega was simply adorable. His eyes, which shone a warm honey under the evening light, were encased by long brown lashes. His hair fell in messy waves over his soft features, just long enough to hide behind. He tentatively raised his gaze to meet Zelk's.

The taller boy quickly shut his mouth, realizing how silly his expression must've been, and racked his brain for something, anything intelligent to say.

"Oh, Mega, hi! I really, um, like your scarf. It's cute."

Real smooth, Zelk.

[POV]: Mega

Mega rolled his eyes and pulled out his notepad to distract himself from his anxiety. He tried to convince himself, for the umpteenth time, that worrying about his appearance was a complete waste of energy. The way that idiot was gaping at me, you'd think I grew a third eye or something. Surely even I couldn't be that ugly. It's like he's never seen another person before, ridiculous. Mega scribbled down a note and continued ranting to himself.

Stop being an idiot and move out of the way. You're blocking my path.

Zelk hurriedly stepped to the side, making room for Mega to enter the house. Its interior was roomy and inviting, which, in Mega's eyes, fit Zelk perfectly.

"So, this is the living room. The kitchen is to your left, and there's a bathroom over there." Zelk pointed to the corresponding rooms as Mega nodded. "Both of our bedrooms are in the hallway straight ahead, along with another bathroom."

Mega followed Zelk into a surprisingly spacious room and set his backpack down on the bed.

"Does the room look okay?"

Mega nodded approvingly, to Zelk's visible relief.

The pair then fell quiet, not knowing how to continue. Uncomfortable, Mega fidgeted with the sleeves of his hoodie, prompting Zelk to finally break the silence.

"...Would you be up to play Minecraft right now? I think I might have a spare PC somewhere. Oh— and you don't have to, of course; you could also rest if you need to. No pressure either way."


"Yeah, that works! I'll go find a keyboard and mouse for you really quickly."

Mega shook his head.

It's fine. I can play on my laptop.

"Are you sure? I really wouldn't mind letting you use my computer."


"Alright then. Let me know if you change your mind."

Zelk left for his own room. Mega set his laptop on the desk and settled into the chair, feeling much more relaxed now that he was alone. He was the first to join the Hypixel lobby, earning himself the position of party leader—a petty, yet immensely satisfying pre-game win.

Zelk had set a nickname for himself to conceal his identity, but it was somewhat pointless, given that Mega could still be recognized. He hoped he wouldn't get them both targeted.

After several sweaty games, most of them being wins (thanks to Mega's PvP skills), the two drained players took a break. Mega rested his head on his hand, gazing out the window beside him. It was growing dark outside; he assumed Zelk had also noticed how late had gotten. Time seemed to have passed impossibly quickly while the pair was playing together, truly enjoying each other's company.

Mega heard a door creak open from across the hall, soon followed by the sound of his own door opening.

"Hey, Mega. Is there anything else you'd want to do today, or should we call it for the night?"

I want to sleep

Adjusting to a new environment had sapped a surprising amount of energy from Mega. Exhaustion had snuck up on him without warning, so Mega could already feel his eyelids growing heavy with sleep.

"Okay, that's fair."

Zelk paused.

"Do you need any clothes? Water?"

Mega was touched by Zelk's concern. He wasn't used to being cared for, especially not by someone who's actually seen him in person.

Thank you, but I'm good

"Alright, I don't want to keep you awake for too long, so good night Mega."

Mega made a small shooing motion toward Zelk, signaling that it was time for him to go. Zelk took the hint, and he closed the door behind him.

Although he was genuinely tired, Mega decided to look around his new room before going to sleep. He didn't have a good opportunity to do so before, since he had been focusing purely on managing his nerves. His gaze was almost immediately drawn to a specific object.

Beside the bed, on a nightstand, sat the most beautiful piece of furniture Mega had ever laid his eyes on. He knew how weird it was to obsess over a lamp of all things, but it was simply perfect. He was appalled by the fact that he hadn't noticed it sooner.

In the heart of the lamp, a large crescent moon glowed a soft white, supported by an arching black pole speckled with glittering silver stars. Two delicate rings encircled the moon, dotted with the same twinkling stars as the pole. Floating above everything, a translucent, pale blue sphere enclosed the top half of the lamp, tinting the moon's light a tranquil blue. Hazy white clouds littered the domed material like stars, aloft in the night sky.

Mega debated whether it was worth asking Zelk if he could take the lamp with him when he left. He really wanted to keep it, but he couldn't imagine what that conversation would be like.

He decided to just leave it for now. He was certainly in no rush to move out, anyway.

And having then finally exhausted the last of his energy, Mega sought refuge in the comfort of his bed, sinking peacefully into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Good night, Furry.


We're approaching the place where I left off the first time I wrote this! As unnecessary as I now see the lamp description was, I'm keeping it in, as a little tribute to the old version. ...I'd still kill for a lamp like that </3

The shoutouts this chapter go to MariaThedumbwolfdog for voting and commenting, ICantOfAName for commenting, and to Starr4f1ffo again for being incredibly supportive as always! Thank you all :]

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