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A pain shot through my arm as it was slammed against the wall behind me. I winced and cried out in pain. The person's grip around my rist tightened, causing me to whimper. Why were these people doing this to me? I had done nothing!

"Master!" one of my abductors called out. "We caught her. It wasn't that difficult, just as you said."

A chuckle followed these words. "Good work. Where is she?" I could hear scrambling around me, but couldn't see anything. Apparently, I had been blindfolded in the struggle.

I could feel the presence of a human being in front of me, so I immediately tensed up, expecting another hit or slap. Instead, to my great surprise, a gentle hand caressed my face. The blindfold was removed so that I could see. In front of me stood a young man, no more than twenty-five-though looks can be decieving!-fair-skinned, a pleasant smile on his face. He was not all to bad-looking.

"So you're my little bitch now, are you?" I stared back at the aggressor quizzically. Never had anyone called me that before! It was quite a shock.

I was not one to backfire though, but if I was, I could have easily said, 'I am nobody's bitch!' But of course, I did not even think about saying that.

I remained mute. He chuckled a bit before motioning for everyone in the room to leave. I was suddenly aware that we were alone. This was not right! He gazed at my neck, and stroked it with one of his freezing fingers. It chilled me to the bone, both physically and mentally.

"So ... sweet ... So ... inviting ... So ... seductive." He whispered over and over in my ear. He moved his hear down to my neck, his breathing tickling me. He licked my neck-a bold stripe from about the bottom of my ear to my collarbone. I had never even been a situation like this before. Let it be known that I had never even had a boyfriend, let alone my first kiss! Suddenly, while I was thinking about my singleness, a sharp pan in my neck interrupted my thoughts, pulling me back to reality. It felt like my living soul was being drained from me, and at the same time, my body could do nothing but stand back and let it happen.

I didn't understand the situation fully until my capturer lifted his head from my neck. His mouth was covered in a dark red liquid, dripping all the way to his chin. It smelled of iron and metal.

"Are you confused, bitchy-chan?" the man before me asked. "Not sure what's going on? Don't worry, you find out soon enough."

Then turning, he called, "Doctor! In here now!"

A creaky door opened in the side of the dimly-lighted chamber. As the figure approached me, I could see that he was just as young and good-looking as my captor.

"It seems," said the Doctor, "that you taken a liking to this one, sir. And you have good reason to, as I will demonstrate now, if you please."

My body shook as I stared up at the Doctor. From out of his inside coat pocket, he produced a medical device, a syringe. Immediately, I tried to get away. I hated needles, of any sort, size or shape. In the dim light, I could see that this particular syringe was filled with a semi-transparent, green fluid, that resembled water infused with lime juice.

The doctor pushed me down, pinning me down against the floor. I squirmed, but to no avail. The doctor held down my arm, and with a quick motion of his hand, stabbed me with the needle and pressed down on the pump. Still, I wiggled around but the worst was over with.

The doctor stood. My abductor stared at me (he had been standing the whole time). "It's not working?!" he exclaimed as if angry.

"No, just as I thought. She hasn't been awakened by anyone yet, so her body is immune to any of that sort."

"And how does one awaken the damned creature?"

"Through a process they call awakening. It is extremely complicated for ordinary people to do but I believe I can seduce a particular person into doing it for you, my Lord."

"Summon this person at once!"

But even before the doctor could take his leave, the door came crashing down. I was unable to stand up, or even move, yet I could tell two people had come into the room. The doctor and my abductor stood still.

"Where is she? Where is my sister?" one of the intruders asked. Kris!

I felt my body surge when I heard his voice. I wanted to see him. Hug him. Cry in his shoulder. Why did my body stay numb, lifeless? Unmovable? My eyelids drooped. I heard the doctor and my captor chuckling.

"Your sister is there. But she's mine now, so she's not going anywhere." And with that, I was pulled up to my feet. Once again, I heard the voice in my ear.

"Yours." I heard myself say. Why had I even said that? I had no control over my thought or actions anymore.

"Kyoo-ria!" Kris yelled. He stood there in amazement will I was being hypnotist.

"Yours." I repeated. My captor smiled.

"Yes, Little Bitch. So let me show this damned brother of yours what I mean."

He bent down to my neck once again, except this time he chose the right side. And once again, I felt the excruciating pain of my life being drained from my body.

I liked it. I liked the pain. Yes, it felt good. An escape.

This time, however, my captor was suddenly pulled off me and tackled to the ground. In the midst of this commotion, I was wisked away out of the room by a second figure, the one who had apparently followed Kris.

By the time I was out of the room, I had passed out in the unknown person's arms.

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