chapter 6

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Immediately after the cruel murder done by John Walker he himself began running, as fast as he could, no idea where. He ran through some abandoned train station stopping and walking inside looking around catching his breath as thoughts raised through his head, he screamed and yelled before falling to his knees.Kate had tracked him as the three of them walked into the old building stopping Walker as he began to walk out."Walker," Sam said"You guys should see a medic, you don't look so good," he said walking past them"Stop Walker," Sam said a little louder"What?" John asked making a sharp turn back at them "You saw what happened, You know what I had to do! He killed Lemar! I had to kill him!""He didn't kill Lemer John," Bucky said "Don't go down that road, believe me, it doesn't end well""I'm not like you," John said making Bucky nod and look slightly down as Kate to a quick glance at him and then back at Walker."Listen it was the heat of the battle okay?" Sam said "If you explain what happened, they may consider your record, we don't want anyone else to get hurt"Meanwhile, Kate just stared at the shield, one side of it was covered in blood, still slowly dripping from it."John... You gotta give me the shield man" Sam said while John still looked at the ground"Oh... so that's what this is" John spoke "You almost got me""You made a mistake," Sam said"You don't wanna do this" John said"Yeah we do," Bucky said finally looking up at him as The fight began, the three of them trying to take down the super soilder who didn't know his limits, they were getting hit and punching and throwing kicks, right before Bucky got thrown into an electric metal pole making him fall to the ground."Bucky!," Kate said under her breath as she got up from the other side of the room and ran towards him, she kicked him off his feet making him fall as she climbed on top of him punching his face as hard as she could right before he flipped her over raising the shield ready to hit her when he felt the sensation of being chocked he looked down at her confused before hitting her in the head with the shield, to her luck not with full force, right before Sam flew over him throwing him off her.Kate's vision went black as she woke up looking over seeing Sam be thrown back with the shield in his hand as John's arm broke from the force, she quickly got on her feet standing next to Bucky."It's mine," John said"It's over John" Sam spoke"It's mine!" John repeated as he tried to hit Bucky again when suddenly a wave of black power field made them all fall down.Bucky got up taking the shield and throwing it next to Sam and then made his way to Kate who was in a different spot on the ground."Hey what was that?" He asked as she looked up at him trying to focus her visions."a force field," she said breathing heavily as she observed Bucky's face which was dripping with blood."I didn't know you could do that""Neither did I," she said as he helped her get up but she stumbled."Kate are you okay?""We got beaten half to death by an idiot, no no one is okay," she said as she softly touched the bleeding wound on her head.Now Kate was waiting while Bucky talked to Zemo, he forced her to stay back as much as she wanted to go. After she got bored of waiting she walked out to see what was happening, Okoye was getting on her ship as James stood there looking at the memorial of Sokovia."So Zemo is taken care of," she said as he looked down at her next to him."Yes, he is" he nodded "How's the head?""Hurts, I'm gonna have a cool scar right through my eyebrow""Very cool scar." he nodded making her chuckleBucky had brought Sam a present from Wakanda as Kate obviously went with him."So you need any help?" Kate asked as the three of them stood on the boat."From you two?" Sam asked raising an eyebrow"I got years of experience man," Bucky said shrugging his shoulders."Yeah we know Bucky" Sam chuckled"one of my foster dads had a boat, so I know a thing or two" Kate addedThe three of them worked on Sam's boat, Kate mostly next to Bucky as he continued to try and to splash water on her or to pretend to push her off the boat as she tried not to curse him out."Well we gotta go," Bucky said getting up drinking the rest of his bear "We are gonna catch a flight tommorow and get a hotel for tonight," Kate said"You two can just stay here, I mean c'mon the people in this town are the most welcoming people in the world," Sam said It was nighttime now, Bucky was asleep on the floor right next to the couch as Kate was on the couch. She couldn't sleep slowly getting up and walking out the door onto the pier, standing on the boat leaning out it looking into the water. Bucky wasn't asleep either as he got up walking out and following her footsteps."You know normal people sleep at this time," He said standing next to her leaning on the edge with his back."Glad we aren't normal," she said making him chuckle"What are you thinking about?" he asked "Huh?""You usually think about something when you can't fall asleep""I didn't know I could produce that power field, I mean the only other time I produced it was when I wiped out half of Thano's army and I didn't control it back then," she said as she turned the same way he was, her back against the edge, while he stayed quiet "It happened because I saw you get hurt when I see people I care about get hurt I lose control""You care about me?" he said sarcastically making her look up at him as he grinned"No Bucky I don't," she said sarcastically as they both chuckled, their eyes meeting as the smiles stayed on their faces. "I should go"As she started walking away Bucky reached for her hand pulling her back as she turned around looking at him before walking closer standing between his legs and putting her hands on his face as their lips met, with his hands going around her waist, their lips slowly and passionately moved in sync ignoring the smiles that were on their faces. As they leaned away putting their foreheads against each other, standing there. As they stood there Kate smiled even more realizing both of his hands were on her waist holding her closer to him."We should go to bed" she whispered "Yeah we should" he whispered back. Kate and Bucky were going back to their own places as Sam had accepted that he has to start working with the shield."you let us know if you have a lead and we will be there," Bucky said talking about Carli as Sam nodded."So are you two like together now?" Sam asked"What?" Kate said looking at him confused."I mean unless you guys went to throw rocks in the water at three am?""Bye Sam," Bucky said as he and Kate began walking away."Ay use protection!" Sam yelled"Walking away now and never having this conversation again!" Kate yelled.

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