chapter 10

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It was now two weeks later, Karli had been shot during a fight, Sam was claimed as Captain America now, everything seemed peaceful.The Sun was slowly setting as Sam and Bucky sat on the dock."So no sign of her?" Sam asked turning to Bucky asking about Kate, ever since that fight against Karli and her people, she just disappeared with no sight."Nope" Bucky shrugged "Have you checked her apartment?""Yeah I did, I just wanted to know if she is safe""You like her man?""I care about her," Bucky said after a pause."You can admit that you like her""yeah not with you," Bucky said scrunching his nose as Sam rolled his eyes and they went silent."you should talk to Rhodey""Why?""He has the files, they technically should be under government name, but Stark made sure they were more private""What files?""Kate's""Why would I do that?""Maybe you'll find something""I don't think I have the rights to do that""Steve left you the rights" Sam cut him off as Bucky just looked at him while Sam pulled a small piece of paper from his jean pocket and handed it to Bucky. "If you decide to, you should call him"Bucky now sitting on the floor of his apartment with the laptop in his lap, looking through the flash drive that Rhodey had given him.*The file*Katherina VerscaDocument Citizenship: Russia, United StatesPlace Of Birth: UnknownRace: CaucasianGender: FemaleDental: NoneTitle: Under observationHeight: 5'3Weight: 129 LBSHair: Dirty BlondeEyes: BlueLanguages: Russian, Spanish, Italian, English, Romanian Identifiable marking: Scar on the right wrist from the knife, scar on the left hip.Family: UnknownEducation: Uknown Current Employment: Training for shield agentAlias: Katia Mission Qualifications: Highly qualified in multiple fighting styles, the source is unknown, Power of fire manipulation, fire production, mind manipulation, psychosis, telekinesis, shapeshifting? power absorption? Powers are from an unknown source, come and go, are rarely controlled.Status: Considered physically dangerous*End of page*Bucky's eyes paced through the lines as he clicked the next button*next page of the file*Personal file Katherine VerscaChildhood home: Unknown grew up in the foster system, was documented missing at age 15Parents Background: UnknownParental Figures: UnknownBackstory: Undocumented/ Unknown*rest of the page is blank*Bucky took a deep breath as he clicked out of the shields file and opened a file with Kate's last name which contained multiple videos and photos.*first photo*A picture of a huge cell with glass wallsMulti-protection cell, electric protection walls, electric restraints available, fire-resistant walls, more could be added.*next video*"Steve, go away" Kate cried as she sat in the middle of the cage while Steve stood outside"Kate you aren't going to hurt me""Yes, I will, go away!""You can't hurt me""Yes, I can!" *He suddenly clicks off the video*Taking another deep breath he looked at all the files seeing they are all recordings from that cell as he exited out of the file and opened the file named "Hydra" and clicked on the first video.*video starts*The video is Kate strapped in a chair, Hydra doctors around her."LET ME OUT!" she screamed with a cry-breaking voice. "HELP! LET ME OUT"As the headgear was placed on her head while she let out a shrieking scream and cried.*video is paused by Bucky*He took a deep breath leaning back running his hand through his hair.After gathering himself he exited the Hydra file and clicked back on the "Versca" file. As he scrolled down to the last video, the date during the blip.*video starts*Kate is sitting in the cell leaning against the glass wall, her knees up and her head leaning on her knees. Steve is squatted outside the cell directly in front of her."This cage wasn't directly built for you," he said as she sighed"Yeah but it was modified for me""Stark did it just in case""After he found out, I killed innocent people""That wasn't you""It could be" "Kate, why are you torturing yourself in there?" he said as she stayed quiet before she stood up and walked to the middle of the cage then back to look at Steve."Because I lost people that I loved, people died, and I am terrified that I am going to hurt you guys and then I won't have anyone""You couldn't have stopped what happened""Yeah I could have!" she yelled"No, you couldn't have!" he yelled back as he stood up looking at her through the glass wall."Think about it, I can do everything those stones could do""You could not have stopped it""Steve if I figured it out, James could still be here""Are you trying to make me blame you?""You should!""YOU ALREADY BLAME YOURSELF! YOU CARED FOR BUCKY TOO! YOU BLAME YOURSELF FOR EVERYONE'S DEATH, STOP IT!" Steve yelled as Kate just looked at him before tears started pouring down her cheeks and she dropped to the floor.Steve hit the open button running into the cell and hugging her as she let out a cry, tears staining his shirt.*end of video*As Bucky closed the video and shut off his computer he sat back on his couch, without thinking he got his keys and got in the car.After multiple hours of driving, he arrived at the sight of the old Avengers compound, it was never rebuilt since the battle and nobody really even tried cleaning it up.

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