1. proud of you

855 20 10

wholesome, fluff
june 15, 2021
1580 words - unedited

your feet rocked back and forth against the grey and white tiled floors as you leaned slightly against the cold wall next to the door leading to vinnie's prep room. waiting in the hall, you twiddled with your fingers – excitement still cursing through your veins as you recalled the hours last events. rowdy cheers and shouting began to increasingly grow louder and louder, the voices becoming more distinct, all of which breaking you out of your thoughts.

"VINNIE! VINNIE! VINNIE!" was echoed by mixed voices as the footsteps of vinnie's team approached the cool hallway. his trainers rounded the corner first, continuing to pass him water and pats on both his chest and back. following right behind them was vinnie. as soon as he turned the corner, you saw him talking softly with his mom, a smile beaming on her face as she spoke. his dad, nate, and younger brother, reggie, followed beyond the two, engaging in their own conversation — both yelling at one another, excitement and adrenaline in their voices. when she finished her thought, it was as if all time stopped. vinnie raised his gaze looking around the hallway at his team and family surrounding him, and then – his gaze met yours.

as if they were expecting it, the team moved towards the sides of the wall, some of them filing into the prep room, continuing to engage in their own lively conversations about the fight. a deep laugh rumbled from vinnie's chest, his bright smile erupting even wider as you ran towards him, cheering and yelling, a smile even bigger on your face.

within seconds, you were off the ground, spinning around in circles in vinnie's arms. his hands wrapped tightly around your waist as you peppered his face with kisses. your arms wrapped around the base of his neck, fiddling with the messy hairs that escaped from his braids. "i'm so so so fucking proud of you, babe. so so fucking proud," you cheered, looking into his hazel eyes with so much amazement and love.

he chuckled shyly, returning your comment with a passionate kiss as he set you down. your interaction continued as murmurs from his team and family filled the hall. "are you okay?" you asked, taking a step back to look at vinnie, "nothing's broken right? everythings is fine?" you questioned seriously, preoccupied with the physical state of your boyfriend.

"yes, baby, everything's fine," he laughed lightly at your worried state, running his hands smoothly across your back, admiring the beautiful look on your face. you'd been worried the entirety of the day, and week, before the fight, and vinnie spent a good amount of time reassuring you that he was ready and everything would be fine. the mixture of pride, worry, excitement, adrenaline all spilled over when you ran into his arms. he found it adorable, as he did with most of the things you did.

you could visibly tell that he was still a bit hazy from adrenaline and his body was adjusting from having just been in a major fight. his team began to shuffle around, prepping for the post-fight procedures.

"vinsters," tyler, one of his trainers called, signalling for him to enter the training room with a simple head nod towards the room's entrance. vinnie shifted his weight on his feet, grabbing the towel once wrapped around his neck and placing it into his hands. he returned his gaze back down to you momentarily, "babe, i gotta go with tyler and liam and the team, but you'll just go with mom and uh reggie and dad and i'll be out in a second," he said, verbally answering the questions roaming in your mind. "gotcha," you smiled, "go have fun or whatever you do in post-fight stuff ," you responded. vinnie smiled again in response, pressing a quick kiss to your forward before jogging towards the prep room. "love you!" he called out as his team shuffled him into the room . "ditto, love." you called back.

"alright honey," maria, vinnie's mother, said as she placed a gentle hand on your back, "we're also going to go into the prep room until vinnie's finished with his post-fight routine. he'll just be in the locker room portion."

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