3. we'll love you, no matter what

498 9 3

wholesome, fluff
family, aged up — 2 children: luna & khai
words; 2350
june 30th, 2021

the smell of pasta filled the living room as you finished preparing dinner. it was right during the time when fall turned into winter and the holidays were approaching: you and vinnie's favorite time of year. as you finished mixing the accompanying soup, you felt vinnie's arms gently snake around your waist as he placed a delicate kiss to your neck, rubbing his hands up and down the side of your stomach.

"hi, love," you whispered turning to face him. as you turned around, you noticed the physical state of your husband. his auburn curls were in a half up-half down style with a small bun at the top of his head. he was wearing black sweatpants and a white t-shirt with a label from a small restaurant you all visited during your last vacation. you fiddled with the ends of his hair as he bent down to give you a kiss. although, before he had the chance to place a kiss to your lips, your 3 year old daughter ran in, her little shirt inside out and only one pant leg on - the other flopping beside her gently. you began chuckling softly, peering past vinnie to see the little girl entirely, "luna, baby, what happened?"

"daddy, told me that i could dress myself," she giggled. "do you like it daddy?" she asked, running up to you and vinnie, wrapping her small arms around his legs and looking up with her soft, brown eyes. "i love it so much princess. you look beautiful," he whispered, squatting down to her level and placing a kiss on her forehead, ruffling her curls to the side. "thank you, daddy," she giggled again, skipping playfully towards her play kitchen.

you gave vinnie a questioning look, cocking your eyebrow as he laughed lightly and shrugged. "let the girl live." you laughed at the two as vinnie placed a kiss to your forehead before going to play with luna. you watched the two try and replicate your actual family dinner for the night, admiring two people that you love with your whole heart. as you wrapped up dinner, you noticed the two of them decided to throw a dance party. you placed the covered food on the dinning room table and walked over to join them, songs from her favorite cartoon shows emitting from the TV as she spun in circles. vinnie was watching her intently, making sure she didn't fall, and placed his hands behind her head when she got dizzy. his hands acted as a boundary around fhe small child as giggles bounced off the carpetedfloors. toys lined the floor around the sofa as you shuffled over to your husband who was squatting next to his daughter.

as she spun, not paying attention to her parents, you walked up to vinnie. "babe, where's khai?" you questioned, referring to your 7 year old son. "he's in his room, maybe taking a nap, i think. after i picked him up from school he just ran straight up there. he seemed a bit exhausted but he didn't want to talk about it." he responded, breaking eye contact with you as his hand instinctively caught luna right before she fell. he had now shifted down to sit directly on the floor and held the shaken little girl in his arms, slightly rocking her back and forth.

it was a bit unusual for khai to be quiet and distant when he got home. usually he was a bit more energetic and excited to share about his day. you decided to go and check up on him, and vinnie had seemingly shared the same idea. "i'm going to go uh check up on him," you expressed, patting your husband's shoulder gently, maneuvering around the sofa. he nodded, briefly watching you walk away before turning his focus back to his rambunctious daughter, who had seemingly forgotten about her fall. "dance with me daddy!" she playfully demanded.

you lightly trekked up the stairs, cartoon soundtracks and giggles fading behind you, as you passed by the hallway filled with family photos and the kid's artwork. the dark wooden floors creaked lightly with each step as you approached your son's room. you knocked lightly against his ocean wave pattern painted door, hearing no sound afterward. you peeked in the door, and found him sleeping. his light blue curtains had been pulled shut and his back was facing you. "hey kiddo," you whispered softly, sitting on his bed. khai's face turned to meet yours, and his cheeks had been stained with tears and his eyes had a reddish tint. "bub, what's wrong," you pondered, your heart slightly shattering at the sight.

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