Will you...

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Chapter 5
Have fun reading 🌻🍿

"Oh my god this is great! I mean for us not her, hope it isn't anything serious. But this is great!"

"I know right, now I get to be on time for tryouts."

School was dismissed after having a free period, because Mr. Williams was on his leave and there wasn't a substitute.

Great right? I know.

We were currently at the principal office just being informed that señorita Grant had a family emergency therefore no detection but instead both Ash and I were left with a warning.

"Oh yah, that's great" Al add sarcastically just coming to a halt beside me.

"Oh hey Al, where were you?" I asked still happy with the news I just got.

"I was just at the theatre room looking for Mrs. Clarke to let her know that we are still on for this year." She said pointing between herself and me as she said we.

"Okay Al, I'm sorry. Okay? Stop acting so childish" Ash said frustrated. "It's just tryouts, I probably won't even get in." He added

" Childish...you keep saying you won't get in- but you might...why would you even tryout if there wasn't a chance of you getting on the team."

"There is a...30% chance that I might get in Al." He argued sighing at the end.

"But we were all supposed to be in the club Ashton, Jesper left now your leaving."


"No Jas, it was always what we wanted, to always be together. But here you all are... leaving"she said backing away as she spoke.

"Al no one is leaving, I'm here, I'm always here Al" I said holding her shoulders which stopped her from moving.

Al always had a fear of losing people. Her father died we she was 14. She didn't talk to anyone for a whole month, but then she started to put all he pain into acting. She got better because she was acting, but since then she was afraid of losing the persons closest to her, so she always tried and keep everyone together.

"But you are," she said now looking at ash with teary eyes, I didn't even saw that she was crying.

"I'm not going anywhere, it's just tryouts, I just wanted to try something new for a change Al, that's all." He said now going closer to her, I gave them some space by moving from between them.

"But Asht..." She didn't get to finish he sentence before he kissed her.


Ash stopped and pulled away looking at Al.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, but you where talking so much and... To be honest Al, I only joined the club because of you . I've been acting like I'm not good at basketball so that you wouldn't feel that there's a chance of me living too... only Jasper knows that I can actually play...I'm sor- " And his sentence was cut short by a kiss from Al.

Ahhhh! I'm Okay. No I'm not! I'm having a mental breakdown. Help! What is happening!!!

"Stop!" I exclaimed unexpectedly. "I mean.. as much a that was cute and all..." I said shaking my head vigorously. "what is this? What just happened?" I asked pointing between the two with wide eyes.

I know I might look like a mad person right now...but who cares? They hate each other, well not real hate but as much as a friend can hate a friend that's how much they hated each other.

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