If deppresion gets the best of me

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Empty and numb~

Kageyama tobio also know as the king of the court. Many would say he was a heartless person, but that was not true at all he actually cared but once he was abandoned on court all he felt was empty and numb. He did not cry not even shed one single tear he simply could not feel hurt or betrayed because he knew he deserved it for using his anger on them.

The thing is that in fact kageyama did not deserve that. Sure he was a dick to them, but did they ever ask him how he feels no never actually. They just saw him acting way out of character and instead of helping him they left him alone on court.

Still can't get past all the sadness and the crumbs I left~

Sure kageyama felt numb and empty when he was abandoned but what hurt was that people know the fake him. This king was a development of being by himself with no one there. His thought consisted of "why why why", "why does nobody want to help me at I that hate able what happened to don't judge a book by it's cover", or "why would you leave me here grandpa why couldn't you stay longer I need you I'm just a dictator king to these people"

Help me I'm scared~

Tobio was doing such a good job at karasuno. He developed intp a better person. He even had friends, but when tobio came back from the all japan youth camp everything was going good except his sets. He couldn't set them in sync with his other team mates so he lashed out saying "I know my sets are good so hit them" when he realized what he said he froze especially when tsukishima commented about the king being back. Kageyama started to over think "no no please I can't go back to being the king" "someone help me please I'm scared I don't want to be abandoned again" "I'm so sorry I didn't change"

Cause the one thing on my mind is for me to disappear~

Sure tobio wasn't that close with his team but they did want him around right? That's the what kageyama always started overthinking, and one day while he was overthinking this again he ended up being correct. Infront of him was his whole team bonding and laughing even the managers are their being talkative. Kageyama would have been fine but the fact that even tsukishima was there hurt him since he does not like hanging out with everyone. Once the team noticed him they all froze wondering what to say or do.

They were going to call out to tobio to talk but by the time they all returned back to reality his back was turned from them and he was walking away. Kageyama should have honestly expected this though shouldn't have he? I mean after all didn't he deserve all this?

So mama when I die please hold in your cry just know that when I'm gone I'll always be right by your side~

Kageyama and his older sister were abandoned by their parents at a very young age and left to live with their grandfather. The thing was that during his middle school years his grandfather had fallen ill so his sister took care of him like if she was his mother. Kageyama always saw his sister as a mother figure more then a sister figure. I mean who wouldn't after all she was the one who raised him so was it really wrong? I mean his sister did everything for him, but sadly she had to leave to a university overseas.

She of course would have declined but tobio convinced her to go. "You will get lonely in this house plus who will take care of you?" "Don't worry miwa I will be okay plus I have more than enough money grandpa left me from his will to pay for things and bills." With those words miwa decided to end up going. Of course it hurt tobio but he knew that if she didn't go she wouldn't have been able to accomplish her dream of becoming a hair stylist and he didn't want to have that guilt of him keeping his sister away from her dream.

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