Chapter 31: You can't be serious

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        (Grace's POV)

Hannah started to get up and I rushed over toward her. "Hey babe. How you doing?" I say gently. My hand is on her arm and she looks at it but then grabs her head. "My head really hurts and I can't remember what happened."

        "Hannah you blacked out." says Mamrie.

        "You can't be serious. Again?"

        "Yes, but this time it was almost like senior year." I say. Hannah grabs my hand and I can tell she's on the verge of tears. She grabs my chin and kisses me tenderly. She then presses her forehead to mine and whispers, "I'm so sorry." I can feel the tears streaming down her face and I pull her chin up so that I can wipe them off. "You just have a bad temper. That's all. I mean none of us love you any less for it. In fact I love every part about you so even this." She kisses me again and then Mamrie clears her throat. "Grace who knocked me out this time?" Hannah asks.

        "It was-" Before I could even finish she interrupted and said, "It was Mamrie wasn't it?!"

        "No Han. It was Troye. Before Mamrie or anybody could do anything he was after you."

        "Good, because I don't know how I get when I black out. And from what you guys told me about what I did to that Dylan guy during senior year I'm glad."

        "What happened senior year?" Flula asks

        "Flula I don't think Hannah wants us to talk about it." says Mamrie before standing near him and sitting by him.

        "I'll tell him." says Hannah

        "Are you sure?" I ask before placing my arm on hers.

        "Yes. Ok I don't exactly know what I did but here's the story. Back in senior year Tyler first moved to our school. He was suspected to be gay, even though he didn't tell anybody. At this time we weren't exactly friends. I mean we had classes together but we never talked much. Well one day in the cafeteria Mamrie, Grace and I were sitting at our lunch table doing our normal thing, making food puns. Well we started to hear shouting and I got up to investigate. It was this guy named Dylan. I've only talked to him like twice but anyways he was yelling at Tyler and calling him a fag and everything. I got really mad and stepped in. Dylan started yelling at me and I punched him. I don't remember much after that so I'll let one of them explain the rest." Hannah says.

        "She jumped on top of him and kept hitting his face. I had to pull her off of him and when it was all over his face was completely bloody and Hannah didn't have scratch on her." Mamrie looks at Flula after she says that and Flula kisses her. Then Tyler and Troye come in with the food.

        (Hannah's POV)

Knowing that I flipped out again isn't good. That means I'm getting bad again. I haven't been this way since after graduation. Grace has kept that side of me in for awhile but slowly coming out. I don't know what will happen if I black out again.

        Not a lot happened I know, but trust me something will. Thanks for reading and there's 2k reads like what the heck. That's so many. Thank you so so so much. I'm serious. Thanks for reading you beautiful human you. Tell me what you think. Ok so byeee. c:


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