Chapter 0: The Prolouge

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POV: third person

It was a Thursday afternoon. Two hours before the final duel. Ninja felt it would be an easy victory, like the first 10 fights. Despite this he prepared like it was the first. Axe, however, had been going at it for weeks, making sure no suprises happened. He was determined to win this time.

Time went by, and soon enough, it was time. The battle that changed everything. They looked at each other, like many other times before.

"I expected more.. hiding places. And lazers. Many more lazers."

"Thats called a death trap, Axe."

"I'm not stupid."

"I never said you were."

"Are we gonna do this or what??"

They looked at eath other with a death glare, prepared to get thier weapons out.

"Ninja, don't say I didn't warn you after I rip your dreams to shreds."

"I doubt that'll happen, buddy."

Ninja swiftly grabbed his katana and swung it at Axe. He expected it to be an easy hit, but the clanging of metal said otherwise. Axe knew that he had the upper hand, so he walked back slowly to avoid another attack. This plan, however, failed.

"Ouch.. that looked like it hurt. Are you okay, kitty boy?"

Axe hated that nickname. He had no tolerance for that. It made him feel anger. Severe anger.

"Don't. call. me. ' kitty boy '. "

He lunged at Ninja for the blow that ended it all. It hit. Ninja surrendered the duel because of that single blow.

"You know what.. I don't even wanna fight anymore.. We should just be friends..."

"Really, Ninja?"


From that day on, the two got along well. There were no fights anymore. Both of them got way happier that way, and it was easy to tell. Basic Cat was currious about why Axe was so suddenly joyous.

"Hey Axe?"

"Yeah? What's up, Basic?"

"Why are you so happy all of the sudden? You're never this way.?"

"Well.. I made a new friend and he makes me very happy."

"Okay then, that's nice!"

•End of Chapter 0•

Word count: 338 words

Author notes:
•This will get very scattered updates, not on a good writing schedule because school and end of the year tests are literally two weeks away.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

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