Chapter 3: Plans

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A/N: oh geez, oh fuck, here we go again! welcome back to me forgetting about this platform. anyways, don't expect much consistancy, it is 2:30 am. this is gonna be a long ass chapter, too. good luck.


POV: third person

"You have friends?" Axe questioned.

"What, you don't?" Ninja replied.

Let's just say Axe shut up after that comment. Ninja picked up his phone and looked at the number. Behold, it was Psy.

"Hey, bud. What's up?" Ninja greeted.

"Yeah, um... Thief just got into some mad shit. Something about a demon, I don't know. Can you come back to the park?"

That's odd. Well, not for Psy, but for Ninja it was odd. His friends don't usually get themselves into situations. Ninja didn't want to go back and leave Axe behind. That's not nice. He had to come up with a lie.

"Sorry, I can't. I'm..."

"You're what?"

"I'm at my girlfriend's house. Can't leave her here."

Axe was unaware that Ninja was making up a story, and was thus confused. Despite being a combat maniac, he has manners. He decides to wait until Ninja's friend hung up to ask questions.

"You pull? Damn. Can't argue with that. Well, you have fun, then."

"We can make plans to meet at a later date. Talk to you sometime."

Then, the call ended. It was time for Axe to figure out the way to ask.

"U-Um..." Axe stuttered. He could feel his face getting a bit warm. "Did you just tell them that I'm your girlfriend..?"

Ninja froze.

"Yeah. What about it?"

Axe then also froze.

"Nothing. I mean, I'm not even a girl."


"Axe, let me explain. On my way here, I met two numbskulls. They're my friends now. Somehow, one of then got into some shit with a demon. I had to tell a bit of a story to get out of helping. I'd rather stay here with you than get sent to hell today."

"Oh. Yeah, that's... fair. Fair."

Ninja got an idea. A terrible one. The worst idea of all worst ideas.


"Axe, how would you feel about hosting a sleepover? You can meet my new friends."

"Um... I've got nothing else to do. You mean tonight?"

"Yeah. I'll text them about it to ask if they can. Of course, only if you want to host it. I won't force you."

"No, no. I can do that. Ask them."

A few texts later, Ninja's friends agreed to come. Axe and Ninja had about three hours to make sure everything was prepared. Of course, it was only two other people, how bad could it be?

... Very.

•End of Chapter 3•

Word Count: 403 words

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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