What's inside it? || Yandere Simeon

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3rd person POV

Simeon watches from the distance as you talk with your partner about a subject regarding the teacher's task to the whole class. He can't help but feel anger building up inside him, fist balled up ready to hit that boy you were with. "Cool, I'll see you at your house tonight!" you waved goodbye to him and put your books in the locker. You walked your way to the cafeteria and sat down with Solomon and Luke.

5 minutes later Simeon sat with the three of you, munching his lunch aggressively even got some sauce spilled on his white pants. "Ummm, are you okay, Simeon? You look mad today" You concerned for him, never seeing him like this before. He slammed his now empty milk carton down on the table and smash it roughly. Luke flinched at his actions, he stands up and put his gloves back on. "It's nothing, I just have a long day" and quickly brings his trey to the trash can.

Simeon left early today, it's not him to skip school. Unintentionally he bumped into your partner on the way home. "Ohh, what perfect timing. I need you for something. Come here" Simeon pulled your partner to the Purgatory hall. Let's just call your partner "Darren", He pulled Darren downstairs to the underground where the torture room is.

He quickly pulls Darren inside and locks the door. "What the fuck dude, where am I?" Darren gasped, It was a quiet dark room. Solomon and Luke don't know this room exists. Darren tried to search for the light switch he rubbed everything, on the other hand. Simeon take his knife from a shelf and stabbed Darren's legs. "AKGGH! SHIT YOU DAMN EXCHANGE ANGEL" Darren yelped and fell to the ground.

Simeon turns on the light, standing in front of Darren. Looking down at him violently with a bloody knife in his hands, "Shit.... YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY" Darren crawled back adding the distance between him and Simeon. "Stay away from my Y/N" Simeon calmly pleaded and points his knife to Darren. "I DON'T LIKE Y/N, WE'RE JUST A PARTNER ON SUBJECT. THE TEACHER SET US UP, NOT ME WHO CHOOSE TO BE PAIRED WITH Y/N YOU CRAZY BASTARD" Darren grab onto a random knife from the shelf and shakily pointed at Simeon back.

Simeon's pupil shrank realizing that the knife Darren hold on to was the knife that you used. He quickly approached Darren and take that knife off him, "These sacred things, ohhh.....ahhhh! Y/N accidentally cut their finger with this. It got Y/N's blood on it, no one dares to touch it but me" He licked the bloody part of that 'sacred' knife. He carefully displays it back on the shrine filled with your things in it. Darren stands up with his hands supported by the iron table. 

Simeon quickly muffled Darren with a piece of fabric, suffocating him until he passes out. The angel lifts Darren up and lays him on the iron table. Him not wanting his clothes to be splattered with blood changed to a surgical gown and latex gloves. With a hammer in his hand, he swung it to Darren's head 3 times until Darren's face cannot be seen anymore. Simeon's arm loosened as he drops the hammer to the ground.

Time skip

Simeon breaks Darren's ribcage with his hands, pulls the heart out of the body, and slices the remaining veins. "Just enough.." He examines the heart in his hands and puts it in the bowl. He prepared a body bag and throw all of the junk in it. Lucky for him Solomon and Luke are not back yet so he has some time to clean up. He stores the heart in his mini-fridge to bake tomorrow. With that he takes off his surgical gown and puts back his normal outfit, he takes the body bag with him and buries it in the backyard of the purgatory hall.

On the other side with you
7:45 PM

"Goddamn, you're taking too damn long to just pick up the phone" I'm in front of the grocery store, waiting for Darren. It's been 30 minutes since I came here. He promised to come at 7 PM sharp. 'I guess I'll just go to his house I thought and walk there, it took about a 5-minute walk to his house. I knocked on his door, there's no answer. Still, after 10 minute I spend there, no answer and I don't see him anywhere.

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