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* Y/N P O V*
I woke up around 7:00 am to hear many footsteps rushing downstairs and across the hallway, I started to think that I was late to my first ever class but then again why would classes start so early in the morning. I got up and went into the bathroom so I could brush my teeth, once they were clean I walked out of the bathroom and went over to my clothes I picked out some leggings and a over sized shirt because I found them comfortable, I pulled my hair out of my ponytail letting it fall past my shoulders and I then slipped on my black converse after that I left my room and started heading downstairs. I had almost got a little bit lost in the crowds but I eventually got to where everyone was rushing too, they were all stood in a big circle around something.. I couldn't see over the crowd so I had to walk all the way around just so I could find Billy and the others, after a few minuets I eventually found them. I pushed myself to the front so I could stand with them and ask what the hell was going on.

Bill: oh, morning sis
y/n: morning, morning guys
Hank: morning y/n
Snuffy: good morning
Ricardo: morning
Joey: morning sunshine
y/n: what's all the hustle about?
Joey: look..

I turned my head from Joey and looked in the centre of the circle and saw every single piece of furniture from the headmasters office, okay maybe not all of the furniture but it was definitely most of it. The headmaster was already stood in the middle just looking around confused.. I mean I think you would be if you found all your furniture outside. I looked back at Joey and then I turned my head to see Billy just casually eating a banana whilst smiling I knew he and the rest of the group did this, I shook my head in disbelief as even more people kept gathering around just so they could see what was going on. A little while later the dean had eventually came outside and he almost started to snicker a bit but the headmaster was like "tRy NoT tO lAuGh" the dean kept looking over at us but it was mainly the guys, he pointed Bill, Joey, hank, snuffy and Ricardo out and then me! He told all six of us that we had to take the furniture back to the principals office I was fuming because I had absolutely nothing to do with this. Billy then decided to throw his banana peel in a trash can that was on the side. Way to go Billy.

We had only just finished putting everything away and we were sweating because it was the middle of summer, once we were done it was about 8:15 and breakfast was about to start. We all exited the headmasters office and started walking towards the cafeteria, once we arrived mainly everyone was already sat down with their breakfast. We had joined the line but Hank, Snuffy and Ricardo had gotten there's really quickly because they skipped half of it, as we were queuing a boy walked past with his breakfast and Billy stuck his finger in it for a taste test. Real mature. We were getting our breakfast served onto plates when a guy walked in he looked old and I don't think he worked here, all three of us looked at each other with confusion in our eyes.. he stood there for a while until he pulled out some sort of gun and started shooting it up in the air. That's when it all started. Everyone quickly got under the tables and Joey grabbed me and piled me down with him so we could hide under the bench, my head was buried in his chest with my arms around his waist and he was running his hand through my hair telling me that everything was going to be okay.

Billy: what the hell is happening
Joey: I don't know, sunshine.. you okay?
y/n: mhm.
Billy: they just randomly barged in here
Joey: no shit Billy
Billy: what the hell are they doing

Joey and Billy were talking quietly as my head was still buried in Joeys chest, as soon as I took my head out of his chest I was met with another man holding a photo up to my face after that he soon left and continued to walk around holding the photo up to other kids. Billy and Joey started saying they were looking for someone now they did say his name but I couldn't quite make it our because they were being really quiet, after they had went around Evan kid the old us to stand up and get into a huddle in the middle of the room.. without hesitation everyone stood up and walked over to the middle of the room. This man was stood there just pacing backwards and forwards in front of us, the short old man was stood in the corner with six files in his hands. The man then spoke up

Luis: anyone who leaves this building will be shot. We will take a head count now and again in the morning, if one person is missing 5 of you will be executed.. if two are missing 10 of you will be shot and so on. Tomorrow we will begin a head shot every hour on the hour if all goes well you will be aloud out in the quad but every hour on the hour you must be in this room to be counted is that understood?

Everyone nodded there heads and he then began talking about some bombs that could go off if we cut one of the orange wires that was running along side of the building he also mentioned he could blow the school up with the remote he had attached to his wrist.. everyone seemed terrified. The short of man walked over to him and handed him all six files and he started calling out the names.. first it was snuffy he started asking what his father did, then it was hank.. and then Ricardo. He started asking Ricardo things like if he spoke Spanish and he responded with no, the man turned around no said something in Spanish which caused Ricardo to freak out. Next it was Joey.. the man had mentioned his dad and you could tell by the look on Joey face he was not proud whatsoever. Next it was me and bill

Luis: Billy Tepper and y/n Tepper
Bill: what
Luis: what does you dad do y/n
Billy: he works wi-
Luis: i was asking her not you!
y/n: he w-works with Joeys d-dad..
Luis: nervous?
y/n: very
Billy: look can we just go back now
Luis: very well.

We walked back over the the group that was huddled in the middle of the room and we were then being all pushed up to the dorm rooms, Joey had grabbed my hand so I couldn't get lost and I honestly didn't mind...

Hello! So I somehow got 7 reads in just one night and I just wanted to say a thank you I know it's not much but I appreciate it. Sorry for a pretty shit chapter but shits going to go down throughout the story so.. yeah. That's all, also Joey is being a bit sus 😏 I'm kidding but okay

Goodbye Sunshines!

 my sunshine (Joey Trotta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now