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* J O E Y ' S   P O V*
As we were all lining up in the cafeteria I never let go of y/n's hand once, she kept squeezing it at times and then looking up at me.. I always made sure I was giving her that reassuring look and I kept a a brace face on so she didn't have to worry about me and herself. Deep down I was worrying a lot about Billy he was a lot past the mark to where he had to be back. We were all counted at least five times until they eventually got the fact that there was only 91 of us, that's when they started to pick out the five people.. they walked around us for a little and eventually chosen who; the head teacher, a girl named Sophie, a boy named Jack, another girl named Ella and then yogurt... there was no way yogurt could die. Billy hurry your fucking ass up. The cafeteria doors soon bursted open and there we saw was Billy running in with soaking wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist, he started going on about how he was in the shower and didn't hear the call for the head count, Luis then grabbed his arm and dragged him into the head masters office, Yogurt had ran straight back into Tom's arms and there was no way anyone could convince me that they didn't have something going on.

As we were all walking back up to our dorm rooms after lessons Billy still wasn't back and we were all starting to freak out, y/n hadn't spoken a word since we had came back inside from lunch.. she was now lay on the bed just reading a book that she's probably read ten times now, I sat on the bed next to her and she put the book down and laid on my chest. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling this obviously caused me to smile back at her, my sunshine was in my arms and I couldn't want anything more.. we had all finally settled down after a few hours and the room was now calm. That was soon interrupted when we all heard the door open, y/n quickly jolted up and out f my arms and in came a limping Billy that was gripping onto his back, y/n ran up to him and lifted up his shit and all we saw was blood... blood was covering his back and you could tell by his face that he was in serious pain.

y/n: Billy! What the he'll happened?!
Billy: he uhm kind of whipped me
y/n: why the hell would he whip you?!!
Snuffy: kinky
Joey: snuffy shut up *walks over to Billy* they look really bad
Billy: well they really hurt
y/n: yogurt you know how to clean wounds right?
Yogurt: yeah..?
y/n: great!!

Y/n went over to the other bed and grabbed yogurt as she started to ask if he could clean Billy's wounds, he first looked at Billy to make sure it was okay with him and he nodded. Yogurt then went into the bathroom and grabbed out a few cleaning pads and some bandages, me and y/n help Billy walk over to one of the beds and he hunches his back as he sits down. Yogurt comes back over to us and warns Billy that this may sting a little, his hands are in mine and y/n's just in case he needed to squeeze then due to the pain.. he wipes the wet pad over his back and Billy's face goes from really calming to looking really painful. My hand also feels like it's going to drop off. This went on for a little while until the bandages were on, he let go of our hands and slowly stood up adjusting a little bit and eventually thanked yogurt before sitting back down on the bed, me and y/n walked over to the windowsill and she kind of just sat on it looking outside as the wind was blowing gently in her hair. I sat next to her and tucked a strand behind her ear and she smiled at me.

Joey: are you okay sunshine?
y/n: yeah I'm fine.. are you?
Joey: never better
y/n: when do you think we will all get to be happy again?
Joey: I'm not sure...
y/n: *sighs* for all we know it could be months, possibly months
Joey: sunshine..

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her in close, I knew that everyone else was staring at us but in this time it didn't matter..  nothing else did just as long and she was happy nothing else mattered to me. We pulled away after a few minuets and she smiled at me before laughing a little this also caused me to start laughing a little bit. As the night went on we were all sat chatting about what had happened to billy and why he came in soaking wet. Turns out he fell in the water when he was trying to rush back, that caused everyone else to start laughing at him, he gives us all a serious look and we all stopped laughing before he started again.. I looked down at y/n who had her head on my shoulder and she had the biggest smile planted on her face. She was happy. That night we all went to bed with smiles on our faces, we let Billy have the bed because of his back so we just layer by the windowsill in each others arms. I was finally happy.

Hello! So update 😭 I don't know how to feel about this chapter because it a little short and very rubbish- sorry I'm not updating much just a lot is going on right now and I'm not really having the time. Also I think this book is beginning to get a little boring? I'm not sure.. the next few chargers may be a little sad sooo yeah😃👏 anyway that's all from me

Goodbye Sunshines!

 my sunshine (Joey Trotta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now