the aftermath

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Mattheo's pov

It's been 9 months since the explosion, we've stayed down in the bunker for 9 fucking months, many of us have gone complety mad. I'm surprised we all haven't killed each other, we are about to run out of food. Langdon and I have been drinking the blood of everyone in the buncker, they all volenteered don't dreat. But i don't know how much longer they can hold up. One of us is going to have to go to the surface one day. But we only have one gas mask, so we have to decide.

"Alright, let's face facts. One of us will have to go up to the surface to see if anything is still well there, alive or anything. We also have to fact the fact that it is very possible that no one is alive so there could be bodies, lots of them, or skeletons. So who will it be?" Potter annoced looking around cheerfully. He's been one of the few who is trying to keep the bright mood around here. But i've never been that type of person. I wanted to go up and see if Ace was still there, what if she is? What if she isn't dead? I have to know, i don't give a flying fuck about anyone else. I only live for her. So she has to still be alive.

"I'll do it." I blurt as i grab the gas mask. Everyone looked shocked.

"Okay well try and find food or something that can help us, maybe more gas masks? I don't know but be careful we don't know who or what is out there." Draco warned.

I felt a hand on my shoulder ,"Be careful mate." Jartih said patting my shoulder. I nodded to him. I put the gas mask on and stepped outside. The stairs were cracked and chipped. I had a long way up.

Once i got to the surface, everything was destroyed. The sky was blood red, everything was gone, i saw corpes everywhere well, ash. I looked around the remains of the school to try and find something. But nothing, so i moved onto more important things, Aphrodice. I started to scream her name. I walked for miles screaming her name. I vamped alomost everywhere. I was stumbling thorugh some forest i didn't know where i was at this point but then i cam across this oddly shaped thing. There was an elevator and i stepped inside. It brought me down to this huge place. It had a dark interior but it was ellegant. There were people in black suits waiting for me by the elevator, they grabbed my arms and put me on this vent thing. It blew smoke from me feet to my head. Then they escorted me down this long hallway into an even bigger living area, it looked like a bigger version of a Slytherin common room.

"Sit." One muffled. And they left me there. Where the fuck am i?

"M-Mattheo?" I heard a familiar voice call from a distance. I snap my head and see her. The very person i have been waiting for forever. Ace.

"Aphrodice." I was relived. She ran to me and i ran to her. I took her in my arms as we kissed, reuniting with one another. She looked into my eyes then hugged me tight.

"I thought i was never going to see you again" She said muffled into my shoulder.

"And i you." I replied, holding her tighter.

"How did you- how are you al- where-" She stuttered.

"I'll tell you everything you want to know if you do the same for me."

"Deal deal deal here come to my room." She led me to this very detailed door. She opened it up to a room that had black walls, and a king sized bed with four tall poles on each corner along with  dark green drapes hung around them. There was a fireplace along with velvet chairs, a huge bathroom, and just everything you could ever need and more.

We sat on the chairs and i looked around astounded.

"Cool right?"

"Um yeah sure so what the hell happened that day Ace, you wern't.."

"Me? Yeah i know."

"What the hell happened to you Ace." I look her in the eyes, trying to find the answer i've been craving for 9 bloody months.

"I was....i am, the devil's child. And it took over me that day, i wasn't myself. When Lucius killed me withvthe blade, the antichirst awoke and took over, i know that sounds crazy but-''

"Aphrodice, you ate his fucking heart." I interupt.

"I-I know i just i can't explain."

"To be honest i dont want you to. But i have another question...where's micheal."

She snapped her head at me and her eyes were blacked out again. I jumped back a little but she shook her head and got control.

"Um sorry i just get-" She looked back at me and her eyes her normal but they were filled with anger and dread. "He's dead Theo, i killed him."

"W-What why?"

"IT WASN'T INTENTIONAL- i didn't mean to kill him..."

"What happened if you dont mind me asking..."

"Nine months ago, that day. When we were fully you know, took over. I was too strong and i- i killed him."


Ace's pov

"Let's finish this brother." I look at him and he took my hand.

"You do the honors sister."

The wave bursted through us and then nothing, i see Micheal plumiting to the ground. He hit to ground and nothing, no blood, no wound, nothing. I rush to him. His eyes were looking up to the sky. And i realized he was dead. I killed him. I killed my brother.

Present day

Mattheo's pov

"So that was the blast that triggered the apocalypse?" I asked her.

"No. The blast the triggered it was after his death, i got really upset you could say. And i screamed, then nothing." She looked down are her hands that had little lighting bolts around them. Then she quickly stood up.

"Did i kill anyone else?" She turned to me with tears in her eyes.

"Love, you triggered an explosion of the earth, the question you should be asking is, who didn't you kill." I admit to her trying to walk slowly up to her.

"I mean our friends."

"No everyone is okay, it's only Blaise we lost..."

"Blaise...OH MY GOD I KILLED BLAISE!" Realization hit her like a train. She closed her eyes and took a deep breathe, i knew she was trying to contain herself, but i also knew it was difficult. I brought her into a tight hug.

"I'll do anything to make you feel better Aphrodice, anything." I whipser to her.

She looked up at me and kissed me, "I love you."

I smiled, "I love you too." Our lips locked again. It started to get more deep, more passionate, She took my dress jacket offand unbottoned my dress shirt while i unbottoned her white blouse without breaking the kiss, i pick her up and carry her to the bed and lay her down. We take off our shirts and i pull off her skirt,  i lay kisses down her smooth, silky skin as i unbuckle my belt.

"I have almost forgotten how perfect you are." I breathe taking off my pants, sucking on her neck. She groans at my touch. I smirk as i pull down her panties along with my boxers.

"You dont know how long i've wanted to....destroy you." I smirk as i slam into her. She covers her mouth trying not to scream. But then she twist her hand at the door, i guess it was a scilencing charm because after that she was a moaning mess. We both were, i went harder each time she was getting quiet. There wasn't a scilent moment. Her nails dug into my shoulders, i threw my head back while groaning.

"Fuck Mattheo i'm gonna-"

"Then do it love."

Once she finished so did i, this woman does things no one ever has to me. I collapse beside her and i kiss her forhead.

"You have no idea how long i've wanted to do that.'' I smirk.

"Did i tell you i missed you?" She laughed a little.

We layed in bed and went to sleep, i haven't been able to do this in a long time. Apocalypse or not, i'm just glad to have my love back.

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