It's a good thing we have forever then huh

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Ace's pov (present day)

It's been a couple days sinse the insedent at the Astronomy Tower. It's been raining all day. And i love it. March was almost over and when i really think about it, it's near the end of the school year. Forever. That's it. There's no coming back to Hogwarts. And to be honest, i don't want to leave this place. It's my home. I can't help but be upset about leaving the only place that's made me feel like home since my mother died. Now i'll have to go back to the estate and live there until i die, that is if i survive the war. And then i'll have to rule hell for all eternity. Fuck my life.

"Hey you alright?" Draco asks from across the table.

I snap myself from out of my thoughts and look up to him. "Yeah, yeah. I'm alright. I just can't believe we are going to have to leave this place...forever." I look around the classroom.

"I'm not sad one bit, i'm excited to get out of this hell hole, but i will miss you guys." Slade says from next to me. I flash a small smile and we get back to the notes.

Once Slughorn dismissed us, we all started walking back together.

"Have you guys seen Mattheo at all?" I ask them.

"No not for a couple of days." Draco replies.

"Yeah, same here." Slade adds.

"Should we just text the others to meet us somewhere or something?" I suggest.

"Yeah i'll text the group chat." Slade offers, pulling out his phone. "Sent."

"Where did you tell them to meet us?'' I ask.

"Just the tavern." Slade turns his head to me.

"Let's start heading there now." Draco starts heading out the main doors and we follow.

We start walking out the gates but when something hits me. A very loud ringing in my head but there's also a piercing pain. I press my fingers on my temple and i fall to my knees groaning from the pain. Draco and Slade crouch down to my level and they put their hands on my back.

"Ace? Is everything okay?" Draco says with concern.

"What's wrong?" Slade asks.

I look striaght ahead and i realized. I get up and run to McGonagall's office. I burst through her door and she looks conerned and confused.

"Proffesor, it's Tom. He's coming." I warn. A look of shock appears on her face.

"Oh my dear, you must be having a meltdown, i'm sure it's just all in your head." She eases.

"NO! TOM RIDDLE IS COMING! IT'S THE WAR!!" I try to convince her but she motions her hands torward me and suddenly two very large men grab me and put these handcuffs on me. They were to damped my magic.


"Oh my poor child, everything will be okay, you just need some rest for now." She insists and then the large men drag me away and down to the infirmary. They took me into the back room and opened this metal door. It was stone all around. And one tiny little window. The put me in and shut the door before i could get to it.

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