Chapter 5

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This unknown man pulled me by shirt, swinging me onto the bed. When my body touched the bed, I could here my shirt being ripped, and this mystery man stuffing my B cupped breast into his mouth. He didn't waste anytime stuffing my insides w. his package. As he roughly stroked inside me he was interrupted by the door bussing in with two intimidating black men walking through. Within seconds I was in the air , in the hands of another mystery man. But as long as I was away from that dude I was down for the ride. As the big heavy set man carried me out the door of my apartment I could hear the pleads from the man upstairs. I was gently placed in the backseat of all black Range Rover, but we didn't pull of until the other man returned.
"who are y'all and where is tall taking me ?" I questioned they said in illusion "we was sent by playboy" and that was it, idk who Playboy is but thank god for him. We arrived to a nearby hotel, but because I was too sore to walk I was carried in I was carried to a suite that I'm guessing that was already paid for and was ready for occupancy. Before they left out one of the big men said " Playboy said don't leave until he get here"

And with that they were gone. I showered and slept in just my bra and panties. The next morning I was waiting for this "Playboy" to make his big entrance, but I guess the show was canceled because he never made it. It was now 6 in the afternoon and I was completely bored. I couldn't leave because I didn't have any clothes and this so called Playboy ordered me too. Idk what kind of person he might be. He might have them to big ass niggas come kill my ass cause I did the opposite of what he asked. What was a teenage girl suppose to do without a phone I mean come on now. My phone is my life! 8o clock rolled around and a knock was at the door I looked in the peep hole and there stood Mario, I was so excited to see him but I couldn't let him know that.

I shyly opened the door "what are you doing here ?"
"I came to get you , I told you not to leave didn't I ?" There he go doing that smirk thing again.
" oh so I guess you 'Playboy' " I said with a chuckle.
" the one and only "
As he was walking in he had a brown paper bag that read 'BENIHANA'
" I hope you eat shrimp lil mama" he said
I went into the bathroom to find a white robe that hung on the back of the door.

I made this chapter short just to keep those who are reading engaged. Spread the word about my book, favorite , and comment. Trust me the book will get better 😘

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