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|| Summer 2015 ||

It's been a few months since Zayn left the band.

It was really strange to have him home for this long without him having to rush off randomly. It was strange to know that he wasn't going to be finishing the tour as a member of One Direction. I'm happy to have him home, but it's strange still.

When it first happened, I didn't expect a lot of the fans to attack me the way they did. I mean, I should have expected it. They can be pretty vicious at times, but I thought they were cool with me. They saw that I was just as big a fan as they were, and so they had an easier time to accept our relationship.

But even that wasn't enough to keep them from blaming me. One person started something, and soon enough, everyone else began agreeing. Some of them claim that I made him leave the band myself. They say that I didn't want him there anymore and so I forced him to quit.

I don't know where they would even get that idea from. Honestly, I was just as upset about him quitting as they were. I even tried talking to him to see if this was what he really wanted. That is what happened in the week from the announcing of his taking a much need break to the announcing that he was leaving the band for good.

I understand, though. It was all becoming too much for him. He realized that he wasn't necessarily happy anymore. There was always things that he didn't like and things that he did like. At the start of his career, there was more of the things that he did like, but as time went by, things began to change. As time went by, he was finding more and more things that he did not like. And he just wanted some time away from being in the spotlight. He wanted to have some privacy and do something different.

I support him. Of course, I'll support him through anything and everything that he wants to do. Just like he supports me each and every time I come up with another crazy thing I want to do.

What was next for us, we weren't really sure. He was doing his thing. He was trying a lot of different things to see where he wanted to head next in his career. I was back in school, and working on a Creative Writing degree.

At this very moment, we were at my parents' house. They gave me the news that they were moving to Australia as their work was relocating once more. Dad got a promotion and was now head of the company in Australia. Naturally, mom took up the opportunity to go to another place that they both have always wanted to go to.

I had unofficially moved in with Zayn a while back, so I had no objections to them leaving. I was just upset that now they were going to be selling the house. The place were Zayn and I grew up, would now be someone else's completely. The treehouse though, that is where all of my worries are.

We were at the house now, packing up anything that I had left behind that I might need. I went to get my remaining clothes and books. I also had a few of Zayn's things there too, so we took the time to pick that up as well.

When everything from inside was packed up, we began to load things up to the car. I walked back in to grab another box to pack up the things from the treehouse. I wasn't sure how things were going to work out, but I had a feeling that I would be crying a bit while I was up there. I didn't want to lose such an important piece of my life.

I walked out and climbed right up. I began packing my books away as I wiped the tear that fell down my face away. Zayn came up and noticed me crying. I mean, it's not like I was hiding it much.

"I'm going to miss this place, Zayn."

"I know, so will I," he agreed quietly.

"This is our treehouse. This is our place. What am I going to do without it? All the memories it holds, and all of the promises we've made. They all happened here."

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