14: You are strong

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"I think I know what he is going through." Said Rohit, confidently looking at the other three.

"What is it?" Asked Virat impatiently. He couldn't see his ever-smiling Gabbar crying like this.

"You remember when he got married, he was so scared that the girls won't accept him?" Rohit asked. They all nodded their heads, now finally understanding the circumstances.

"I can help him." He said and started walking towards Sikh, but Virat pulled him back by his elbow.

"I don't think you are competent in this job," Virat said firmly.

"What do you mean?" Rohit asked, narrowing his eyes at him.

"You can't talk him out of this," Rohit opened his mouth to say something, but Virat ignored him and continued, "He needs someone more sensible and well-spoken. It's a delicate matter, Ro."

"Do you think you are well-spoken and sensible?" Rohit argued back.

"Nope, but they are," Virat replied and looked at Bhuvi and Jinks, who were now sitting beside Shikh and whispering to him.

"When they got there?" Rohit asked in confusion.

"When you were arguing with me for no reason," Virat said with a smirk.

"I wasn't! Anyways they are ideal for this job." Ro replied.

Rohit and Virat went to stand in front of Shikh to listen to what Bhuvi and Jinks were saying to him.

"I know, Shikh, how it feels but trust me, you are going to be a great father," Jinks said, wrapping his hand around him.

"But what if I fail? What if they hate me?" Shikh cried.

"First of all, no one can ever hate you, and the second thing, you won't know the result before the match. So how can you be sure that you will fail." Bhuvi said in his stern tone, which he especially uses for Hardik.

"And I'm hundred per cent sure they will love you, Shikh. You are the Gabbar. The ever-smiling, always in a cheerful mood Gabbar. You have to trust us on this one." Jinks said and smiled in his trademark way, which no one cannot return. Hence Gabbar smiled as well as the others.

"If you can manage the kids in our team, then trust me, you can handle any others," Bhuvi said, and everyone snickered.

Somewhat as if he was waking up from one of his dreams, Shikh's vision became blurred. He closed his eyes tightly and held his head which was throbbing.

"Shikh!!" Several voices yelled, and he opened his eyes in a snap and found his four best friends looking at him worriedly.

"What happened?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

The others thought words couldn't express their situation, so they all just hugged him, which Shikh reciprocated, but he was bewildered.

"As much as I love hugging you guys but care to explain what just happened?" He asked, amusement evident in his voice.

"You were right, Shikh. It was a tremendous mistake to come here." Virat said, and everyone's moods were back to sober.

"What do you mean?" He asked

"There are real ghosts in here." Rohit whispered-yelled.

Shikh started laughing, believing that they are pranking him. But when he saw everyone's face, he knew they were in deep trouble.

Jinks told him everything while his expression changed from amusement to worried. Just then, Virat's watch started making weird sounds.

"What the hell is that?" Rohit complained but was ignored by everyone.

"Guys, I had promised Yuzi to meet him after two hours. It's time, and so we have to go. I hope he has got someone with himself. Then we can search for more with him." Virat stated and, without waiting for anyone, started running.

Though most of them didn't understand what he said but followed him without hesitation, how couldn't they? They can follow him anywhere blindly. When they reached the spot where Virat and Yuzi parted ways, Virat became tensed, not finding Yuzi there.

"He isn't here," Virat mumbled.

"Don't worry. He will be here anytime soon, Virat." Jinks said, putting his hand on Virat's shoulders.

"I shouldn't have left him all alone. What was I thinking? It was a terrible decision." Virat said in a weak tone. Everyone circled him.

"No, Virat, I'm sure Yuzi can handle himself pretty well. So, we shouldn't worry about him. He must be showing his tick-tock moves to the ghosts." Rohit said, trying to lighten his mood.

"Bhaiya!" Came several voices and when they turned back, it was like they won their most important match. Everyone was hugging each other, crying, and laughing. All emotions were evident in their faces.

But at the corner, one person was standing all alone, having all the evil thoughts he could have.

"Why was no one noticing me? Maybe they are all angry at me for making them lose the world cup. Or perhaps they don't worry about me. I mean, after all, I'm sir Jadeja who doesn't have any feelings." He thought and slumped against the wall.

Rohit, who was hugging Jas at that instant, looked back and saw Jadeja sulking. He went towards him while beaming. Just then, he saw a painting of a Rajput warrior riding his horse while lifting his sword in the air. He was about to make fun of their similarities but stop in his track, detecting chocolate in the frame.

"Jad?" Rohit called his name uncertainly.

"Yes, Ro!" He replied in his usual manner, but Rohit saw through him.

"What's the matter, Jaddu?" He asked.

"Nothing, everything is good. I mean, it's not good that we lost the match, but I'm fine. You know nothing can bother me." Jad said smilingly.

And then it hits him like a truck. How the final affected him.

"You know, sometimes you have to show what you feel. Showing feeling is not a weakness." Rohit said with a small smile.

"I am just angry at myself because of me we lost-"

"You really are crazy. If we had any chance at the end, it was because of you, Jad." Rohit said, interrupting Jaddu.

"But-" Jaddu tried arguing, but Rohit wasn't in the mood for it.

"No, I won't hear any ifs or buts. Yes, you were our last hope, but it was not your fault that we lost. We all are at fault. Get that in the weird brain of yours," Rohit said in finality.

Jad smiled, looking at him, then he noticed everyone was standing there looking at him while smiling. And he nodded, finally coming out of his guilt.

"I have told this before, and I'll tell it millions of times if needed you to understand that you are strong, sir Ravindra Jadeja," Rohit said and hugged him tightly. In that clue, everyone followed suit.

The joy was back again for everyone. They were standing in the hurdle, grinning ear to ear. Only then, Virat realized that the game was over, and they won together.

"We did it!" He cheered and celebrated the same way he does during a match. And there was a loud cheer from each one of them after that. Everything was fine now. They knew together they can achieve anything; defeating ghosts were no exception. Their faces held a pure satisfaction, and their smiles were immense.

Suddenly there was darkness in front of everyone.


Hello everyone, so this is the last chapter. Thank you to each one of you for being a part of this beautiful journey. Thanks for putting up with this lazy author and coming with her to the end. I really hope you liked the story and it wasn't disappointing. I really loved writing it. And don't worry, there will be an epilogue. This is the last chapter; it will really mean a lot to me if you guys vote and comment. Once again, thank you very much.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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