9: KulCha ~ The spin twin

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Virat rushed to the edge and looked down but didn't saw Yuzi anywhere. He called out his name several times, but there was no response.

"It's all my mistake!" He said and collapsed on his knees.

"You did a wonderful job Bhaiya trust me," Arav said, making him startle. Virat turned around and saw Arav and Banku standing beside him.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to scare you," Banku replied sheepishly.

"It's okay. Just tell me, where is Yuzi now?" He asked and stood up.

"Don't worry, he is fine. You can find him down there-" Arav was speaking, but Virat didn't even let him finish and ran with all his strength to find his Yuzi, his joker.

And there, he saw Yuzi looking around, searching for his friends. Their eyes lit up when they saw each other. Yuzi rushed to him and hugged him tightly.

"What happened, Virat Bhaiya? Where are the others?" He asked while sobbing. Virat came back to his senses.

"We have to find everyone, Yuzi." He said with a sober tone ending their hug.

Yuzi got alert looking at his captain's face. Virat told him everything making Yuzi panicked.

"Ghooosssttt!" Yuzi exclaimed.

"Don't get scared; we have to be brave and save them. We can't leave them. Okay?" Virat said, trying to comfort him. "And you did overcome your fear already. I'm so proud of you, Yuzi."

"Thanks! And I will do as you say, Virat Bhaiya." He replied with a small smile, how can he not do what his Virat Bhaiya instructed him to do, and here his family's life was at stake.

"We will split up and search them," Virat suggested, and Yuzi nodded, still a little fearful. They wished each other luck and strength before going in different directions, promising to meet at the same place after two hours.


Kuldeep didn't know what was happening; he was at the haunted fort with his teammates at one moment, and at another, he was on a cricket ground playing cricket and not just any other game. He was at the Lord's playing 2019 World Cup final against England. He couldn't grasp the things happening to him. Didn't they lost the semi-final against New Zealand, then how they could reach the final? Is he dreaming? His thoughts halted when he saw his whole team coming towards him with a stern expression.

"You are bowling the last over." Virat Bhaiya said with a voice he had never heard from him ever. He looked at him with wide eyes; he didn't know what he did to make him this furious at him.

"See, Kuldeep, we don't have any other option, so please don't disappoint us again." His Rohit Bhaiya retorted. Kuldeep, not Kuliya, he thought.

"He can at least save 20 runs, I hope." Mahi Bhai said mockingly. He looked at each of his teammates; they all looked angry at him. 

He didn't know what happened next, but he was at the bowling line up ready to bowl. He bowled his first ball in a haze, and Ben Stokes hit him with a six. He turned around to look at his team, but they all looked like they expected this from him. No one came to talk to him, tell him that they believed him to come back, or tell him what to do next. His mind was blank; this crumbled his last bit of confidence into pieces. 

He was seconds away from crying when he saw they needed six off the last ball, and Ben was at the striker's end. What the heck was happening? And his team was all standing at the boundary line, avoiding him.

So he is the one who is going to destroy the 7.7 billion Indian's dream. He is going to be the villain. That's why his team hates him, and now his whole country is going to hate him. He is such a lousy bowler he doesn't deserve to play for India; there are better players than him. A lone tear escaped from his eye, which he was trying very hard to stop.

Just then, he saw his Yuzi running towards him; he smiled a little; maybe he would help him.

"Kul, you are one of the best spin bowlers in the world; you know that right." He said with a grin.

"Are you making fun of me?" Kul asked, wiping his sweats and tears.

"You know I would never do that. I will always support you, but you know what's the worst habit in you?" Yuzi asked sincerely.

"I guess everything." Mumbled Kul like a bit of a kid.

"No, idiot, it's your lack of belief and confidence in yourself. You should not need someone else to back you up; you have to do it yourself. First, you have to believe that you can do anything, and in your hard time, you should have the confidence to come back stronger. It's not like we won't be there for you, but you have to fight your fears. Now go and win it for us, for you." Yuzi said and ran back to his fielding position before Kul could've said something.

But from his Cha's words, he did get his confidence back. He took a deep breath and looked at Ben and thought that he would bowl his best delivery. And he did. Ben was out, and he went back to the dressing room; the whole team hugged him happily. They were celebrating. They won the world cup, but before he could touch the trophy, he fell to the ground, and when he opened his eyes, he was in an old and dirty room. Before he could've adjusted to the darkness, he was engulfed in Yuzi's arms.

"What just happened?" Kuldeep asked; he was so confused, his head was still in a haze and pain.

"Don't worry. Everything is fine now. You are with me. I will tell you everything." Yuzi replied, still not leaving him from his deadly grip.


Virat was getting frustrated and tired; it's been 10 minutes still he didn't found any goddamn chocolate. He just hoped Yuzi got someone. Just then, he tumbled but balanced himself in the nick of time, and when he looked down, he found chocolate. Finally, he thought.

It was in front of a room. Virat tried to open its door, but it was jam or locked from inside, he thought. He found a window at the corner, and when he looked inside, his face morphed in misery. He has never seen his Bhuvi in this state in his whole life, and he instantly knew the cause of it.

Bhuvi's greatest fear was unknown to almost everyone, and it was not surprising he hardly showed his problem to anyone. To everyone, he was the most innocent and perfect, but the ones who knew him from inside knew the real person, his fears, his insecurities, his naughty side, and luckily Virat was one of them.

"Don't worry, Bhuvi, I will take you out of your worst nightmare," Virat said to himself.


Hello everyone :) How are you all? Be safe. And don't worry, I won't go on hiatus anytime soon. Enjoy the chapter!

Thank you, bleedblue2011, for helping me to come back on this story.❤

Thank you, ShiningLine, for always asking me to update. It did make me realize that there are people who like this story.💙

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