6: Some revelations

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Before starting, I just want to clarify that the story contains ghosts, real ones. Many were getting confused. As you all know, the Bhangarh fort has ghosts, and team India visited it, so they have to deal with them. Now read the story ~

After hearing the hideous screams of his team members, Virat turned around and found everyone's mouth shut.

"Why the hell are you shouting, Rohit?" Yelled Virat, being irritated by the horrified screams. Yeah, he could have asked anyone, but Rohit was always his first target.

Rohit, who was already flushed, looked around him and found Jinks.

"Because Jinks shouted." He replied, poking Jinksy's chest.

Virat, as well as everyone, looked at Jinks expectantly. Jinks's eyes grew wide, being in the spotlight.

"Because Shikhar shouted."

"Because Bhuvi shouted."

"Because Jas shouted."

"Because Rahul shouted."

"Because Yuzi shouted."

"Because Harry shouted."

"Because Kul shouted."

"Jaddu Bhaiya shouted first," Kuliya said in a faint whisper. Virat's eyes which were following everyone, one by one, settled on Jaddu at last. Everyone looked at a grinning Jaddu.

"I was just imitating a Chudail's scream." He replied and started laughing like a maniac (or you can call it Jaddu like a laugh).

"Shut up, Jaddu/ Jaddu Bhaiya." Everyone yelled at him, and he stopped laughing, mumbling to himself that they all were no fun.

"I think we should rest here for some time," Rohit said, and they all agreed to his idea. For the first time, no one called him lazy for suggesting it.

They took out the sheets they had bought from their bed and spread in on the ground and settled down on it.

"Virat, I need to talk to you," Jinks said and stood up from his seat, followed by Virat, and they went a little away from the group so no one could hear them while talking.

Rohit and Shikhar followed them even though no one invited them. They started talking in whispers. And it was enough for Bhuvi, and he couldn't take it anymore. He marched towards them in anger.

"Enough, guys, I know something is going on between you four. Tell me now, or I'm leaving this place alone." Hearing him, they all knew they couldn't lie this time. There was a pin drop silence between them as they wanted to tell him everything, but no one wanted to start first.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything," Virat said, finally breaking the silence.

"When Jaddu told us about his plan, I got an idea. As you know, Jaddu always brags about himself and shows off that he isn't scared of anything, so I just wanted to scare him. That's why I agreed to come to this haunted fort. Rohit, Jinks, and Shikhar agreed to help me in my plan." Virat stopped to look at Bhuvi's face to observe his reaction to his revelation.

"Yes, Jaddu deserved it, but I'm not getting how Jinks agreed to your plan. I mean, Rohit and Shikhar participation is not a big deal, but Jinks you too? Anyways now tell me what your plan was?" Bhuvi asked while Ro, Shikh, and Jinks grumbled.

"Jinks disagreed at first. So I had to beg him a lot. Back to my plan, we all planned to do some strange things with Jad when we entered the fort. And near the palace, some people dressed as ghosts will catch him. So I called them before entering the fort." Virat continued.

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