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     Your brows are threaded together and your arms are crossed over your chest in a tight manner. The level of excitement you feel traveling into the Wrath Ring. A bunch of inbred and violent imps who have nothing better to do than toss around punches and farm. A soft huff of annoyance leaves your lips as your eyes look out to seemingly endless plains of dirt and farmland.

     Although you do adore Moxxie and Millie despite them being from such a ring. Then again they're both competent while managing to hold their own—or well both remain true for Millie. Moxxie has difficult holding his own unless a weapon of sorts is involved.

     "You're really from here Moxx?",you can't help but question while turning to the white-haired male. He looks to you with a firm nod and prideful smile across his features. But it falters when it notices the amused smile peeking at the corners of your lips. "I expected Millie but not you, if I'm being honest.",you voice your thoughts.

     Moxxie huffs out while leaning into Millie's touch when she rubs his back soothingly. "Yeah yeah I've heard it all before. I can be tough!",he exclaims while sitting up.

     You roll your eyes in an easygoing manner, an amused smile continues to play at your glossy lips. "Calm down, old man." Moxxie frowns deeper at the nickname you often call him. "I never said you weren't tough, that you are. But you're not exactly...wrathful." Looking to Millie you shoot her a proud wink. "Millie on the other hand is a little psycho."

     Millie giggles behind her gloved hand while waving dismissively. "Oh thank you, Y/N!",she then gasps out in excitement while leaning over Moxxie. You giggle a bit at her pushing him back by his face, interrupting whatever he opened his mouth to say. "Oh I cannot wait to introduce you to my parents! They are going to love you!"

     Your face warms up a bit and you roll your eyes once again. Always a bit sheepish when anyone older than you compliments you, your eyes shift back outside—ignoring her words—as the I.M.P van comes to a slow along a fenced property. The wooden pillar above the entrance reads ROUGH 'N TUMBLEWEED RANCH.

     When the van comes to a complete stop you're the first off of the stuffy van from such a long car ride. Holding open the door Millie is the first to run out with an excited squeak.

     "Mama! Daddy!",she exclaims in that southern accent of hers. Your eyes shift to the two imps responsible for the creation of such a sweet looking but psychotic imp. Her dad is a buff and burly imp with a white mustache to be proud of and a bit of hair between his horns. Her mother is a curvaceous woman with messy gray hair. Both wear farm appropriate attire.

     You and Blitzø begin to take the suitcases off of the van. Turning to him your brows furrow a bit, the entire ride here he seemed a bit off. A feeling prods at you that his off mood may have something to do with his trade with the Goetian Prince earlier. Blinking back softly you give him a small nudge.

     His big eyes turn to you curiously and you nod towards Millie shoving Moxxie towards her parents. "Moxxie looks like he's about ready to crap himself.",you grin in an amused manner. Blitzø wasn't like any normal being, he didn't like being comforted or asked about his feelings and all that sappy shit. He liked to laugh to feel better. He also really liked praise.

     Blitzø turns back to you with a light laugh. "Let's go help out the poor son of a bitch before he ruins his widdle pamper." You laugh a bit while following Blitzø, holding two of the suitcases that were inside the van. Blitzø holds two in either of his hands but soon sets them down when you both approach Millie's parents.

     You can't help but feel disappointed Loona couldn't come.

     "Oh! And this is my boss Blitzø and his second hand woman, Y/N! I told ya'll about them.",Millie introduces the two of you with a big and proud smile on her features. It's absolutely adorable how much she takes pride in her job of murdering humans. Of course her parents don't know this, you can't help but wonder why.

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