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     "Y/N!",Octavia shouts loudly. You turn away from the van door you hold open for the others and meet the glowing eyes of a certain owelette. Making your way towards her she runs at you at full speed, her expression one of pure relief. When she reaches you, you're quick to catch her in your arms.

Due to the little bit of relaxation you had with Blitzø the other night you healed up quite quickly. Still when her body collides with yours it makes you wince a bit.

     But you hide the pain that stings your sore body. Instead opting to return the hug, her arms tight around you and her beak letting out a sigh of relief.

When she pulls away after a few moments her eyes are teary and she shakes her head. "Are you okay? I-I—there was so much blood and you—you took—you saved my life I don't—" Hurt hits your heart as she stammers and her voice cracks throughout her words. Gently brushing away tears with your knuckles you shake your head.

"Hey hey don't cry. I'm okay. It's gonna take more than two bullets to take me down.",you offer her a sweet smile of reassurance and a soft chuckle. Crossing your arms loosely over your chest, you look at her with a bit of concern and immense worry. "And how are you doing?",you ask while reaching out and wiping away her tears again.

She shakes her head while sniffling. "U-Uhm I'm f-fine now it was...scary but my dad has been here with me—even if he hasn't let me out of his sight since then.",she brushes back her bangs while shaking her head,"I-I just don't know why—why someone would want to kill us? I—mean I do but—"

"No no.",you interrupt her while shaking your head. She looks at you with a slight curious tilt of her head and you breathe out sharply. "We can talk about this inside with your dad, yeah?" Octavia offers you a nod and she looks past you to the other four and waves for them to come along.

Walking through the Goetia estate you're still impressed by all the scenery and beauty and expansiveness of it all. You've only been here two other times and that was just to hangout with Loona and Octavia. Although this time its far more empty, there are no other Goetians to offer you and Loona looks of contempt or disgust. Thankfully.

Octavia eventually leads you into the living room and you still when you notice Stella and Stolas both sitting in the living room. Your brows pinch while shooting a look to a very surprised looking Blitzø, his eyes shift to you and he shakes his head while shrugging. Neither of you had a clue that Stella would be in presence of this.

The two Goetian royalties stand up, tall and powerful and they make their way over. However both of their glowy eyes are only trained on you.

Stella steps in front of Stolas and she looks down at you. You can see the contempt evident in her eyes, her beak in a taut line that looks as if she's fighting off a look of disgust. Stella despises imps and you know that, so it's reasonable to be a bit anxious with the woman in such close proximity. So close you step back and crane your neck up.

She shuts her eyes and bows her head down. "Thank you so much for saving my daughters life. Stolas is going to speak with you alone about compensation. The rest of you follow me.",her voice is cold and unwavering. You notice she didn't mention saving Stolas's life and you wonder whether or not that was intentional.

But that's not your concern as you look to the other four who slowly and reluctantly begin to follow Stella. "Follow me, Y/N." Turning back you look up to meet Stolas's bright eyes and feel a bit of an off feeling play in your mind. But in all honesty you don't want to cause a scene or defy him in his polite order. So when his long legs begin heading in the opposite direction, you follow.

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