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Blitzø stirs in soft and warm bedsheets, slowly coming to his senses as he wakes up. His body is sore, all sorts of marks taint his skin from hickeys to scratches to bruises. A soft groan of discomfort leaves his lips and he looks around. Blinking his vision clear while trying to sway away the grogginess. His eyes eventually land on you.

You're sound asleep, holding onto your own tail. Blitzø gently reaches out and cups your cheek, your skin soft and warm beneath his hand. He smiles a bit at how pretty you look even while you sleep, and even with your makeup all over the place and dark streaks of mascara down your cheeks.

His eyes look down to your nude body and he grabs ahold of the blanket, pulling it up and over you. Your skin seems to have taken the worst out of the threesome. Both men marked you up in almost every way imaginable. Blitzø can't imagine how sore you're going to be when you wake up.

You stir a bit in your sleep, sighing softly and nuzzling your face into the sheets. Blitzø's heart melts but he then realizes Striker isn't in the bed. His brows thread together curiously and he slowly and quietly makes his way out of the bed. Plucking his clothes from your bedroom floor.

As much as Blitzø didn't mind sharing you sexually he couldn't help but feel like he was competing with Striker last night. You seemed to love every second of it but there was an unspoken hostility between the two men.

Blitzø couldn't describe the jealousy he felt to see you all up on Striker at the club. He hated feeling this way, burning envy and jealousy.

But the thought of you feeling something for Striker deeper than just sexual causes a hurt unlike anything else to hit his heart. Especially since he's noticed the way Striker looks at you when you aren't looking.

He's glad Striker left early.

Blitzø sighs shakily while buttoning up his shirt and rubbing the nape of his neck. His eyes shift to the sex toys littering the floor and the rope burns around your wrists.

Maybe he should fix you something for when you wake up.

He leaves your bedroom, leaving your door ajar before making his way down the narrow hallway. Blitzø's eyes widen when a fully clothed Striker turns to him, a grin on his lips as he seems to be making food.

"Headin' out, boss?",he questions while tilting his head a bit. Blitzø looks at the three slash marks across Strikers cheek—the ones he refused to tell him how he got—before meeting his spiral eyes. The shorter imp ignores his question completely, shoving his hands into his pants.

"What are you doing? I thought you left.",Blitzø says in a bit of a bitchy tone.

Striker shrugs while turning around and resting his hand on his stomach. "I'm makin' somethin' for Y/N. She was the best I've had so I figured I owed her this much. Plus we did a real number on her.",he grins just imagining last nights events.

Blitzø feels himself growing more and more jealous by the second. His eyes look to the food cooking and he can't help himself. "What are you trying to do here, Striker?",Blitzø questions with narrowed eyes.

Striker grins a bit wider while narrowing his eyes. "And whadya mean by that, boss?",he plays dumb.

"I give you a job and you're—",Blitzø stops himself before he continues on. What does he mean by that?

Striker shakes his head with a chuckle, scratching the curve of his hickey covered neck. "You know, Blitzø...I respect you a whole lot. You're probably one of the few people I actually respect...but that don't mean I'm going to deal with whatever petty jealousy you're feeling."

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