Part 18

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Four figures could be seen standing in a dark cave " Where is Akinari?" A figure with black hair red eyes tan skin he was wearing a black cloak with blue anbu pants and a black shirt under the cloak said. " He was killed by the kitsune flash," the other figure said, he had dark blue hair with blue eyes and fair skin, he was wearing the same black cloak and black anbu pants with a dark blue shirt.

" The boy has gotten quite strong," The other figure said he had brown hair with black eyes and tan skin he was wearing the black cloak like other and brown shirt and white anbu pants.

" Indeed he has," The figure with the black hair said, " I think you should take care of him now and take his powers" Another figure with white hair, silver eyes and lite blue shirt and dark blue anbu pants said.

" No, not yet when the time comes his powers will be mine, he needs to grow as strong as he is he is no match for me right now," the black-haired man said " Ah I have heard that he and senzaru will be returning to the village very soon," The figure with dark blue hair said.

" Interesting, well any information about the Akatsuki," The black-haired man asked " Well I have heard that they will start making their moves very soon." the brown-haired man answered. 

" That means I need his powers soon if I want to defeat Madara, none of us is strong enough to defeat him at our current strengths and if senzaru would have joined us we would never be in this mess," the black-haired man said " Well when the time comes we will have to kill him," The figure with white hair said.

Two things could be seen common in all four figures first was they all were wearing a black cloak and they all had swords strapped to their waist.

"Well, this is it for now if you get any valuable information contact me immediately," The black hair figure said as the other figures nodded and disappeared.


At the mountains.

A man could be seen carrying another man with purple hair, he was wearing a black trench coat at reached his ankles with silver flames at the bottom he was wearing a black jonin vest and black cargo pants with a lot of pockets in them, he was also wearing blue fingerless gloves and a fox mask with a sword strapped to his waist.

He was also known as the kitsune flash the fastest man alive to ever exist even faster than the fourth Hokage, he was looking over the mist village " Well let's get this mission do with" he said as he disappeared in a yellow flash.

In the Mizukage office.

Mei was peacefully drinking her tea until she saw a yellow flash and there was the man who had helped her and Kiri as much as he could " Hello there Kitsune, I see you already completed your mission" She said with a sweet smile as the man nodded and handed over the dead body of Akinari an A-rank missing ninja.

" Well you know I do my jobs fast, Mizukage-sama," he said as she smiled, " I told you not to call me that," she said as he chuckled " Well you later," he said and disappeared in a yellow flash as she sighed and called her anbu to take the body away.

The man appeared in a yellow flash in front of a cave where a man with yellow and red hair could be seen waiting along with a man having long white hair tied in a ponytail as the man grinned.

"So naruto how did the mission go," The man with white hair asked as the man wearing the mask took it off to see a boy with three whiskers marks spiky blonde hair and bright blue eyes ( He has the same hairstyle as minato). " Well it pretty eased Ero-Senin I didn't need to use enma at all," Naruto said as Jiraya smirked. Naruto had gotten very strong in these three years, he was now even faster than his father and had surpassed jiraya and was now on par with senzaru.

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