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In Konoha preparations for the upcoming war were going as smoothly as could be expected. Tsunade had split the village into two main team's, a team that was responsible for keeping up with the rebuilding of the village, and the other team that was organizing the shinobi population by rank and skill to give them a position within the joint village army.

At last count, they had an army of seventy-five thousand, but a group that large could not be contained within one single group. The solution was to divide the forces up into certain teams each under an overall commander chosen from the elite jonin of the five shinobi villages and the Land of Iron.

Things had just been finalized between the villages and the rosters of what squads and where they would be stationed were about to be put up. It was for this very reason the members of Naruto's old class had gathered together to see what squads they would be put in. the first names could easily be seen. They were the company commanders.

They looked along the line to see who was leading each group and making up their minds on which team they would like to be placed in. The Ambush Company was going to be led by Kankuro Subaku of Suna. Medical HQ would behave Shizune from Konoha in command. The Sensor Company captains would be Inoichi Yamanaka from Konoha, as well as Ao from Kiri. Then there were the divisions of the main army. The Joint Shinobi Army's commander-general was the Kazekage Gaara.

After Gaara, there were the division generals. Division One general was Darui from Kumo, with Choza Akimichi as second in command. Division One was considered the Mid Range fighter division.

Division two was the close-range division and their commanding general would be Kitsuchi from Iwa, and second in command would be Kurotsuchi from Iwa. Which Kurotsuchi would find difficult on account of Kitsuchi being her father.

The third division well gai had to leave because he was needed in the front lines, The combination of General Kakashi Hatake and his second in command Mitio Gai was enough to cause even the most professional of shinobi to shudder to know what to expect when on a mission with the pair. In the end, most people didn't seem to care that it was a close to mid-range combat group, they just wanted to avoid it at all costs.

Division four had another name that was familiar to the group of Konoha ninja. The General of the fourth Division was Garra, but that was not what had the group interested. It was Gaara's second in command that had their group whispering. Shikamaru Nara.

"Oh man, this is so troublesome" Shikamaru moaned when he saw his name up in large writing just underneath Gaara's.

The Final Division of the main army was Division Five, the special ops division. The general of division five would be Mifune.

"Man I hope I get division five! Special Ops sounds awesome, I bet they get all the difficult missions which will give me a chance to show how great I am" Kiba said.

"You idiot Kiba! don't treat war like it is a game!" Ino lectured.

At the end of the long lists, there were several smaller list's erected. The first one read Daimyo protection and relocation squad, Commander Mei Terumi. Next up there was tactics and intel division, Commander Shikaku Nara.

The final list of names was a short one, only five names long but they made it rather visible even placing the pictures next to the names. The final group that was put together was Team Jinchuuriki. And there was a sign next to them that read, emergency back up and Black Op's Division. Underneath the team names were the pictures and names of the five ninjas who were sent to turtle island.

"Well no point waiting any longer, lets go find out where we are placed," Neji said and walked off to join the crowd that was gathering around trying to find their names.

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