Prolouge (Dippers POV)

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They won't be monsters for a few chapters so hang tight.

It was the end of summer, we were going home tomorrow, it had been a very long summer. Journals, Gideon, paranormal, portal, government agents, another grunkle, Weirdmageddon, you name it! Then there's Bill.... I'm so glad he's gone! If I get possessed again it will be too soon!

~time change~
Later that night when our party was over, Ford, Stan, Gucket, Mabel, Soos, Wendy, The Gang, Mabel's friends, and I were having an after party on the roof, we were going to play a game, unfortunately nobody could agree on one. "Let's play Dungeons Dungeons and More Dungeons!" I yelled, though it came out as more of a squeal.
    "NO! WE ARE NOT DOING THAT AGAIN!!!!" My family shouted.
"Why don't we play spin the pig?" Mabel asked, holding Waddles on her lap.
"No, Mabel I'm not kissing that thing again," I said.
She sighed, "Okaa-I KNOW! LET'S PLAY YAHTZEE!" She shouted so loud that bats flew out from under the porch.
       "Oh no," I breathed.
~~~~~~~Theme Song Plays (XD!)~~~~~~~~~

"What is Yahtzee?!" Ford whispered in my ear.
    "Yahtzee is this dice game that Mabel wins all the time, and you get to scream Yahtzee at the end if you win, witch makes her like it even more," I replied.
"Sure, we can play Yahtzee, I love strategy games," Grunkle Stan said.
    "Okay, does anyone have dice with them?" Mabel asked.
"I do, but you know that we can't use it," Ford said taking the box that contained the infinite sided die out of his coat pocket to remind her, but before he could put it away Waddles jumped up and grabbed it.
"WADDLES! Bad pig, you can't eat that!" My sister said lunging at him, only to fall flat on her face "Ow, that hurt."
"MABLE! Quick, use your grappling hook!" Ford yelled.
    "No! I don't want to hurt him!"
"Mabel come on, didn't he shoot you with it?" I said, rolling my eyes.
  "That's a different story! I was wearing puffy stickers, and it still really hurt!" She yelled. By the time we stopped arguing about the grappling hook Waddles had enough pig slobber on the box that the hinges loosened. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The box fell open, and the Infinite Sided die fell out. I slid across the roof towards it, but I missed and it rolled across the attic.
   Everyone braced themselves for what was to happen next.
"This die has infinite possibilities but there is only a 1/infinity chance that could happen!" Ford said chuckling as he picked it up and put is back into his coat pocket. But it seemed that deep down Ford was unsure about something...
               ~~~~~~~~~~Third Person View~~~~~~
That night after playing Yahtzee, Ford went into his room to pack for his trip out to sea. While he was packing he just couldn't get what happened with the die out of his mind. Somehow, he knew something would happen, it could be any second now, a month, maybe even a year, the possibility was infinite.

How did you like the prologue, if you read this story before you'd see that it's different. It used to have Bill in it, but you Fallers know why I changed it! 😜

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