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i boredly sat on the ground, a bunch of guys surrounded me and cheered loudly.

in the middle of the ring stood two boys ready to fight each other, one looked very confident whilst the other looked frail and worried. i pitied the guy deeply.

i heard about these fights being held here by kiyomasa, a member of toman, who forced other guys to fight each other simply for the enjoyment of their suffering. so i texted mikey about it. surely he wouldn't want toman's reputation to be trampled would he?

suddenly a blondie from beside me arose from his seat and started provoking kiyomasa into fighting with him. something about him being the king and kiyomasa being the slave, which really ticked the said guy off. he immediately stood up in anger.

judging by their bodies i can already tell that kiyomasa can easily over power this blondie and maybe even kill him. if it came to that i'll step in, but for now i want to observe. what was the idiot blondie thinking?

as time passed kiyomasa just kept beating the blondie up whilst the guy fought for his life. its a pity, but it was pretty obvious who was gonna win.

"bring me ny bat!" kiyomasa shouted angrily and thats when i decided to jump in.

i stood up and walked towards the ring with a deep sigh.

"relying on cheating now hmm? kiyomasa-kuun~" i taunted with a glare, i kicked him in the face and sent him flying away from us. "hi blondie, let's get you treated alright?" i held out my hand, waiting for him to take my offer.

"oi [y. n] you're scaring the crowd." a deep voice said.

"hey kenchiinnnn......i'm out of dorayaki..." another voice whined from behind.

"wha? don't call me by that nickname here!"

"kenchin!! mikeey!!" my mood immediately switched to happy and i waved at the two.

"[y. nnnnn] we arrived~ sorry if we took long i was getting dorayaki.." mikey said as he walked past a few guys not paying them any attention.

draken kicked kiyomasa in the gut, but i didn't pay attention to that, "did you bring me some as you promised?"

"oh noo oops i guess i forgot~" mikey lied with a smile.

"huuh??? no fair you promised meeee" i whined as i hit his chest playfully, "you owe me now..."

"stop acting like kids you bastards"

"ohh right!! oops"


we both turned toward the random blondie. mikey's blank eyes bore onto the blondie's before he asked, "hey you, whats your name?"

"h-hanagaki takemichi..." takemichi stuttered.

"oh~? takemitchy?" mikey hummed.

"h-huh? takemitchy...?" takemichi sweat dropped.

"thats what mikey said, takemitchy." draken said with a glare.

"takemitchy, from now on you're my bitch♡"

"HAH?? no fair now you're cheating on me??? how could you" i stomped angrily.

"takemitchy fight me!!! the winner stays mikey's best friend"


suddenly i felt a heavy pat on my head, i looked up to see draken petting my head as he said, "you know its not like that"

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