Chapter 1

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BEFORE YOU READ: Consider this being a middle school fanfic. I was 14 when I wrote this back in 2015. Expect cringe.

Niall's P. O. V.

~A few weeks ago~

     I sat on my couch, thinking of what to do to get rid of my boredom. The rest of the boys were scattered around the house we shared. We're currently on tour, but we're having a small break. I've been looking forward to a break and now I don't know what to do. It's like I've been going to school, have been looking forward to the weekend, and now that it's here, I don't know what to do. Hopefully that makes sense.

     I decided to turn on the TV and watch some football.

     After a minute or two of watching, I hear someone walk into the room. "Ooh, who's playing?" I hear Harry's voice say.

     "I'm not sure who yet. It didn't say. But I don't think I've seen these guys play before. The people with the yellow shirts are winning, if you wanted to know," I replied.

     Harry shrugged and sat down next to me. Just as he sat down, the channel went to commercial.

     "What?! I sit down and it goes to commercial?!"

     I chuckle at his statement. Before Harry could protest any further, Louis comes into the room.

     "Guys, Eleanor and I are going out. She'll be here in a few minutes,"

     He sits next to Harry, filling the last bit of space on the couch.

     "Why don't you two have girlfriends?" Louis asks out of the blue.

     "I'm too hot for them. Girls can't take all this yet," Harry said, pointing to himself.

     Louis gave a tiny laugh. "Fair enough. How about you Niall?"

     I've had times when I thought about it, but I never thought about it with a serious mind. I don't think I'm ready for a girlfriend yet. It's probably all the commitment that scares me away from thinking about it.

     "I honestly don't know." I ended up saying.

     Louis shrugged in return. "Take your time, lads."

     "What's it like having a girlfriend, Lou?" Harry asked. "If I ever got one, what would your number one piece of advice be?"

     I looked over at Louis. He had crossed his arms and looked up in thought. His eyebrows fumbled together. "Girls are powerful. No matter how young or old they are."

     "Even little girls?" I said, smiling.

     Louis pointed at me. "Especially little girls. You never know if a thirteen-year-old will end up leading a whole army of women in a rival or environmental stand."

     "You serious?" Harry asked.

     "You think I'm not?" Louis questioned. He sat back into the couch and sighed. "Wouldn't you be proud to have a daughter like that, though? A daughter who was so powerful she could lead an entire group of people for a certain cause?"

     I smiled. Louis would definitely have a daughter like that one day. His kids will be powerful and speak for themselves, speak for what they believe in, and speak their mind. He will be the proudest father I would ever know.

     I wonder if I'll ever have kids to be proud of. Would I ever make it to have kids at all? I don't have a girlfriend at the moment, so that definitely knocks me out of the area of qualification of having kids any time soon. I'm already in my twenties, and I plan on making more music these next five to eight years. I'm not a big fan of having kids when I'm in my upper thirties or forties.. How would I ever have a kid of my own?

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