Chapter two: Enemy?

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I remember waking up in the dark laying in a pool of my own blood with a black figure standing above me. I'm coming in and out of consciousness. I touch the searing pain at the side of my head and there is a large gash. I started to regain consciousness and sat up aware of my surroundings. I saw the masked man come up to me. He was a thin man that had a good sized sniper in his arms. He took off his mask and started to say something and that's when I realized it wasn't a he. It was a women! She asked if I was alright and thought that I was one of them. She said she's been hunting down the group because they took something of hers. That must of been the thing that caught my eye. I didn't bother to ask her about it. While she helped him bandage it up he kept thinking what that thing was. She asked what my name was. James I said. What's your's? The names Kat said the girl. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet y....RAHHHHHH! Was that a Grim? Why would they be here this late...She said get down. I got down an noticed that more Grims found the camp but something was different. They weren't just making they're normal stop through the city. They were hunting. "Follow me." Said Kat. We made our way through the building. It was on our way across a makeshift bridge that appeared there during one of the earthquakes...damn building always coming down. In all my thought the there was a gunshot that shoved me back into reality. Kat was screaming at me to get down. She slid a pistol to me and said "James, there is one coming on the other side of this bridge. You know what to do." Thats when my instincts kicked in. I threw my body across the bridge and into cover. I took a look when I jumped. There was more than one, probably around four or five. I pulled my gun up and took ones head off. What kind of gun was this? Never mind that there was work to be done. I saw one touch behind an old desk and his knee was popping out. So I shot it out from under him and during his fall shot him in the head.just at that time the building started crumbling right beneath our feet. "We have to get out of here right now!" Kat yelled. No really? I thought just that moment the building started falling and I turned around and jumped. The dust cleared and I was right back on my feet. "Hey Kat you ok...." wait where's Kat?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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