Chapter one

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"I'll be down in one moment!" I yell to my mother down the corridor and I look back at to my room the large sweet with it's huge walk in closet and hot tub for a bath my gowns all hung on hangers on rows all color coordinated my shoes my jewels my bags my sleep wear my Tiaras I sighed as I fixed the  bodice of my rosy pink floor length gown and fixed the silver tiara with pink diamonds incrusted on my head so it sat ever so slightly off balance it would drive mother crazy my strawberry blond hair was in a near bun at the nape of my neck I pulled out a few strands thet would drive mother crazy I looked at the gown in my mirror the sleeves sliding off my shoulder the corset  bodice sucking in my waist to be less than seven inches I could hardly breath the last thing I needed was my shoes my silver heels I slipped them on I don't see the point in wearing shoes when you won't be able to see them I sighed again I hate the royal life and I hope my plan for escaping will work tonight I smiled at the thought of finally being out of these walls of the castle of seeing the world no more dresses and I won't ever EVER! Wear heels again but for now I just need to act along play my mothers game and meet my Souter prince Daniel from Romania I think it is I crack open the door and step into the hall my mother smiled and fixed my tiara and my bun just as I knew she was going to the royal life being queen fitted her so well but it wasn't for me I'm going to miss my mom and her chocolate brown hair he bright green eyes she flawless smile her perfect laugh I smiled at her and she smiled back "you look wonderfully Amara " she said with with enthusiasm "this prince is supposed to be very dashing " she said smiled I smile and she leads  me to the tea room where the price is supposed to be sitting but he's absent the guard supplies "prince Daniels will be running a bit late" he pauses "he seemed to be missing" he finshed my mother gasps she was always dramatic like that I just sighed for the third time and sat in my chair slouching which my mother frowned  at but she was busy fretting over the lost prince I was day dreaming about escaping these walls into the town  all the people and places I'll be able to do whatever I want to suddenly another gaurd burst into the hall "prince Daniel has been officially declared missing" he says standing straight my mother  gasps dramatically again  and falls into the chair dramatically "Amara do you know what this means" she says to me I roll my eyes I love my full name it means streangth and beauty I sigh "that I can go back to my room?" I asked hopefully sitting up straight crossing my ankles she gives me a stern look but shows me away with her hand not looking at me I jump up and almost run to my room and slammed the door and I grabbed my little black bag that all my stuff is in I started to take my lares of skirt off I finally break through and slip the form of the dress off and slip the Bodis off and started to loosen the corset And I slipped it off tossing it to the side I ran to my closet and grabbed my black leather pants that I use for archery lessons and a dark black sleeveless shirt I grab my duffle bag and swing it over my shoulder then I sit on my bed and wait I'll have to wait for dusk before I leave I was bouncing my foot in excitement I've been planning this since I was a little girl but I've only seriously started to make and escape plan for about one year I've mapped out where all the guards will be tonight what exits I'm going to use and how I'm going to get over the wall I've decided I'm going out the east exit next to the kitchen there's almost no guards there and I'll climb the tree over the wall and there about all ice planned so far I layer back on my bed and grabbed a book I had started off of my night stand it was a good book a romance and I started to read it to pass the time.

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